
Binding b = new Binding( "Value", person, "BdayNullable", true ); dtBirthdayNullable.DataBindings.Add( b ); b.Format += new ConvertEventHandler( dtBirthdayNullable_Format ); b.Parse += new ConvertEventHandler( dtBirthdayNullable_Parse ); void dtBirthdayNullable_Format( object sender, ConvertEventArgs e ) { // e.Value is the object value, we format it to be what we want to show up in the control Binding b = sender as Binding; if ( b != null ) { DateTimePicker dtp = (b.Control as DateTimePicker); if ( dtp != null ) { if ( e.Value == DBvalue.value ) { dtp.ShowCheckBox = true; dtp.Checked = false; // have to set e.Value to SOMETHING, since it's coming in as NULL // if i set to DateTime.Today, and that's DIFFERENT than the control's current // value, then it triggers a CHANGE to the value, which CHECKS the box (not ok) // the trick - set e.Value to whatever value the control currently has. // This does NOT cause a CHANGE, and the checkbox stays OFF. e.Value = dtp.Value; } else { dtp.ShowCheckBox = true; dtp.Checked = true; // leave e.Value unchanged - it's not null, so the DTP is fine with it. } } } } void dtBirthdayNullable_Parse( object sender, ConvertEventArgs e ) { // e.value is the formatted value coming from the control. // we change it to be the value we want to stuff in the object. Binding b = sender as Binding; if ( b != null ) { DateTimePicker dtp = (b.Control as DateTimePicker); if ( dtp != null ) { if ( dtp.Checked == false ) { dtp.ShowCheckBox = true; dtp.Checked = false; e.Value = DBvalue.Value } else { DateTime val = Convert.ToDateTime( e.Value ); e.Value =val; } } } } 






DateTimePicker不能设置为null,因为DateTime不能为null,但您可以将它们设置为DateTime.MinValue ,这是未初始化的DateTime的默认值。 然后你只需检查dtp.Value = DateTime.MinValue是否如此,如果是,则将其视为null。

但是,如果你想真正区分何时没有选择任何值,最简单的方法是将DateTimePicker.ShowCheckBox设置为true,然后检查dtp.Checked ,如果是,则读取该值,否则将其视为空值。



 yourDTP.Format = DateTimePickerFormat.Custom yourDTP.CustomFormat = " " 


 yourDTP.Format = DateTimePickerFormat.Short 

我喜欢ShowCheckBox选项。 我会更进一步,并使用两种扩展方法封装它以避免重复并具有更清晰的代码:

 public static DateTime? NullableValue(this DateTimePicker dtp) { return dtp.Checked ? dtp.Value : (DateTime?)null; } public static void NullableValue(this DateTimePicker dtp, DateTime? value) { dtp.Checked = value.HasValue; if (value.HasValue) dtp.Value = value.Value; } 


 dtpSafetyApprover.NullableValue(model.SafetyApproverDate); // set model.SafetyApproverDate = dtpSafetyApprover.NullableValue(); // get 

最简单的方法是添加一个文本框并将visible属性设置为false。 在日期选择器的valuechanged事件上,使用选择器控件的相同日期时间值填充文本框。 如果null字符串将值设置为null,请检查文本框的值。

这就是我解决它的方式。 我不能拥有NULLS,所以我将1/1/1980 12am定义为MYNULLDATE。 我在datetimepicker的文本和值上使用了数据绑定。 我没有使用datetimepicker中的复选框。 我没有替换从短到自定义的格式。 它似乎触发了valuechanged事件,所以我只使用自定义并更改了自定义格式。 我使用了flowpanel和NONBOUND复选框来坐在datetimepicker的前面。


  private void dateTimePicker_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (sender != null && sender.GetType() == typeof(DateTimePicker)) { if (((DateTimePicker)(sender)).Value == MYNULLDATE) { ((DateTimePicker)(sender)).CustomFormat = " "; checkBoxDate.Checked = false; } else { ((DateTimePicker)(sender)).CustomFormat = "M/d/yyyy"; checkBoxDate.Checked = true; } } } 


  private void checkBoxDate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (bindingSource != null && bindingSource.Current != null && bindingSource.Current.GetType() == typeof(MyRecord)) { MyRecord a = (MyRecord)bindingSource.Current; if (checkBoxDate.Checked == false) { a.Date = MYNULLDATE; dateTimePicker.Enabled = false; } else { if (a.Date == null || a.Date == MYNULLDATE) { dateTimePicker.Enabled = true; a.Date = DateTime.Now; } } bindingSource.ResetBindings(false); } } 

使用Vs 2015并且没有运气绑定DateTimePicker控件。 最简单的事情似乎是没有绑定它 – 把对象的值传递给控件,​​手动将控件传递给对象。 几行代码将为您节省很多麻烦……

 private void BindData() { // can't bind the datetimepicker, so handle it manually... if (o.myDate == null) { dtDatePicker.Checked = false; } else { dtDatePicker.Checked = true; dtDatePicker.Value = o.myDate.Value; } } private void Save() { if (dtDatePicker.Checked) { o.myDate = dtDatePicker.Value; } else { o.myDate = null; } }