
我们在序列化一个空列表时遇到了一些问题。 这里有一些使用CF 2.0的.NET代码

//Generating the protobuf-msg ProtoBufMessage msg = new ProtoBufMessage(); msg.list = new List(); // Serializing and sending throw HTTP-POST MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(); Serializer.Serialize(stream, msg); byte[] bytes = stream.ToArray(); HttpWebRequest request = createRequest(); request.ContentLength = bytes.Length ; using (Stream httpStream = request.GetRequestStream()) { httpStream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); } 

当我们尝试在流上写入时(bytes.length超出范围),我们得到了一个exception。 但是具有空List的类型不应该是0字节,右(type-in​​formation?)?


有线格式(由谷歌定义 – 不在我的控制范围内!)只发送项目数据。 它不区分列表和列表。 因此,如果没有数据要发送 – 是的,长度为0(这是一种非常节俭的格式;-p)。




 [ProtoContract] class SomeType { [ProtoMember(1)] public List Items {get;set;} [DefaultValue(false), ProtoMember(2)] private bool IsEmptyList { get { return Items != null && Items.Count == 0; } set { if(value) {Items = new List();}} } } 

哈基可能,但它应该工作。 如果你愿意,你也可以丢失Items “设置”,只需删除bool

  [ProtoMember(1)] public List Items {get {return items;}} private readonly List items = new List(); [DefaultValue(false), ProtoMember(2)] private bool IsEmptyList { get { return items.Count == 0; } set { } } 




  [TestMethod] public void SerializeEmptyCollectionUsingSurrogate_RemainEmpty() { var instance = new SomeType { Items = new List() }; // set the surrogate RuntimeTypeModel.Default.Add(typeof(SomeType), true).SetSurrogate(typeof(SomeTypeSurrogate)); // serialize-deserialize using cloning var clone = Serializer.DeepClone(instance); // clone is not null and empty Assert.IsNotNull(clone.Items); Assert.AreEqual(0, clone.Items.Count); } [ProtoContract] public class SomeType { [ProtoMember(1)] public List Items { get; set; } } [ProtoContract] public class SomeTypeSurrogate { [ProtoMember(1)] public List Items { get; set; } [ProtoMember(2)] public bool ItemsIsEmpty { get; set; } public static implicit operator SomeTypeSurrogate(SomeType value) { return value != null ? new SomeTypeSurrogate { Items = value.Items, ItemsIsEmpty = value.Items != null && value.Items.Count == 0 } : null; } public static implicit operator SomeType(SomeTypeSurrogate value) { return value != null ? new SomeType { Items = value.ItemsIsEmpty ? new List() : value.Items } : null; } } 


protobuf-net建议使用IExtensible接口,它允许您扩展类型,以便可以将字段添加到消息中而不会破坏任何内容(请在此处阅读更多内容)。 为了使用protobuf-net扩展,您可以inheritanceExtensible类或实现IExtensible接口以避免inheritance约束。

  [TestMethod] public void SerializeEmptyCollectionInExtensibleType_RemainEmpty() { var instance = new Store { Products = new List() }; // serialize-deserialize using cloning var clone = Serializer.DeepClone(instance); // clone is not null and empty Assert.IsNotNull(clone.Products); Assert.AreEqual(0, clone.Products.Count); } [ProtoContract] public class Store : Extensible { [ProtoMember(1)] public List Products { get; set; } [OnSerializing] public void OnDeserializing() { var productsListIsEmpty = this.Products != null && this.Products.Count == 0; Extensible.AppendValue(this, 101, productsListIsEmpty); } [OnDeserialized] public void OnDeserialized() { var productsListIsEmpty = Extensible.GetValue(this, 101); if (productsListIsEmpty) this.Products = new List(); } } 
 public List BccAddresses { get; set; } 


 private List _BccAddresses; public List BccAddresses { get { return _BccAddresses; } set { _BccAddresses = (value != null && value.length) ? value : null; } }