
在未压缩的情况下,我知道我需要读取wav头,拉出通道数,位数和采样率并从那里开始工作:(通道)*(位)*(samples / s)*(秒) =(filesize)

有没有更简单的方法 – 一个免费的库,或者.net框架中的某些东西?



using System; using System.Text; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace Sound { public static class SoundInfo { [DllImport("winmm.dll")] private static extern uint mciSendString( string command, StringBuilder returnValue, int returnLength, IntPtr winHandle); public static int GetSoundLength(string fileName) { StringBuilder lengthBuf = new StringBuilder(32); mciSendString(string.Format("open \"{0}\" type waveaudio alias wave", fileName), null, 0, IntPtr.Zero); mciSendString("status wave length", lengthBuf, lengthBuf.Capacity, IntPtr.Zero); mciSendString("close wave", null, 0, IntPtr.Zero); int length = 0; int.TryParse(lengthBuf.ToString(), out length); return length; } } } 



 public static TimeSpan GetWavFileDuration(string fileName) { WaveFileReader wf = new WaveFileReader(fileName); return wf.TotalTime; } 


不要接受已经接受的答案,但我能够使用Microsoft.DirectX.AudioVideoPlayBack命名空间获得音频文件的持续时间(几种不同的格式,包括AC3,这是我当时需要的)。 这是DirectX 9.0 for Managed Code的一部分 。 添加对它的引用使我的代码像这样简单……

 Public Shared Function GetDuration(ByVal Path As String) As Integer If File.Exists(Path) Then Return CInt(New Audio(Path, False).Duration) Else Throw New FileNotFoundException("Audio File Not Found: " & Path) End If End Function 

它也很快! 这是Audio类的参考。

我对上面的MediaPlayer类的例子有困难。 在玩家打开文件之前可能需要一些时间。 在“现实世界”中,您必须注册MediaOpened事件,在触发后,NaturalDuration是有效的。 在控制台应用程序中,您只需在打开后等待几秒钟。

 using System; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Media; using System.Windows; namespace ConsoleApplication2 { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length == 0) return; Console.Write(args[0] + ": "); MediaPlayer player = new MediaPlayer(); Uri path = new Uri(args[0]); player.Open(path); TimeSpan maxWaitTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10); DateTime end = DateTime.Now + maxWaitTime; while (DateTime.Now < end) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); Duration duration = player.NaturalDuration; if (duration.HasTimeSpan) { Console.WriteLine(duration.TimeSpan.ToString()); break; } } player.Close(); } } } 


  string path = @"c:\test.wav"; WaveReader wr = new WaveReader(File.OpenRead(path)); int durationInMS = wr.GetDurationInMS(); wr.Close(); 

是的,有一个免费的库可用于获取音频文件的持续时间。 该库还提供了更多function。




 using TagLib.Mpeg; public static double GetSoundLength(string FilePath) { AudioFile ObjAF = new AudioFile(FilePath); return ObjAF.Properties.Duration.TotalSeconds; } 

您可能会发现,如果您愿意沿着这条路走下去, XNA库可以支持使用WAV等。 它旨在与C#一起用于游戏编程,因此可能只需要处理您需要的内容。

在CodeProject上有一些教程(可能是 – 你可以利用的工作代码)。

你唯一需要注意的是,WAV文件由多个块组成是完全“正常”的 – 所以你必须对整个文件进行扫描以确保所有块都被考虑在内。

您的应用程序究竟对压缩WAV有何作用? 压缩的WAV文件总是很棘手 – 在这种情况下我总是尝试使用替代的容器格式,例如OGG或WMA文件。 XNA库倾向于设计为使用特定格式 – 尽管在XACT中你可能会找到更通用的wav播放方法。 一个可能的替代方案是查看SDL C#端口,虽然我只使用它来播放未压缩的WAV – 一旦打开,您可以查询样本数以确定长度。

我将不得不说MediaInfo ,我已经使用它超过一年的音频/video编码应用程序,我正在努力。 它提供了wav文件的所有信息以及几乎所有其他格式。


我将假设你对.WAV文件的结构有点熟悉:它包含一个WAVEFORMATEX头结构,后面是包含各种信息的许多其他结构(或“块”)。 有关文件格式的更多信息,请参阅Wikipedia 。

首先,遍历.wav文件并添加“数据”块的未填充长度(“数据”块包含文件的音频数据;通常只有其中一个,但可能存在超过一个)。 您现在拥有音频数据的总大小(以字节为单位)。


最后,将音频数据的总大小除以每秒的平均字节数 – 这将为您提供文件的持续时间(以秒为单位)。


time = FileLength /(采样率*通道*每个采样位数/ 8)

 Imports System.IO Imports System.Text Imports System.Math Imports System.BitConverter Public Class PulseCodeModulation ' Pulse Code Modulation WAV (RIFF) file layout ' Header chunk ' Type Byte Offset Description ' Dword 0 Always ASCII "RIFF" ' Dword 4 Number of bytes in the file after this value (= File Size - 8) ' Dword 8 Always ASCII "WAVE" ' Format Chunk ' Type Byte Offset Description ' Dword 12 Always ASCII "fmt " ' Dword 16 Number of bytes in this chunk after this value ' Word 20 Data format PCM = 1 (ie Linear quantization) ' Word 22 Channels Mono = 1, Stereo = 2 ' Dword 24 Sample Rate per second eg 8000, 44100 ' Dword 28 Byte Rate per second (= Sample Rate * Channels * (Bits Per Sample / 8)) ' Word 32 Block Align (= Channels * (Bits Per Sample / 8)) ' Word 34 Bits Per Sample eg 8, 16 ' Data Chunk ' Type Byte Offset Description ' Dword 36 Always ASCII "data" ' Dword 40 The number of bytes of sound data (Samples * Channels * (Bits Per Sample / 8)) ' Buffer 44 The sound data Dim HeaderData(43) As Byte Private AudioFileReference As String Public Sub New(ByVal AudioFileReference As String) Try Me.HeaderData = Read(AudioFileReference, 0, Me.HeaderData.Length) Catch Exception As Exception Throw End Try 'Validate file format Dim Encoder As New UTF8Encoding() If "RIFF" <> Encoder.GetString(BlockCopy(Me.HeaderData, 0, 4)) Or _ "WAVE" <> Encoder.GetString(BlockCopy(Me.HeaderData, 8, 4)) Or _ "fmt " <> Encoder.GetString(BlockCopy(Me.HeaderData, 12, 4)) Or _ "data" <> Encoder.GetString(BlockCopy(Me.HeaderData, 36, 4)) Or _ 16 <> ToUInt32(BlockCopy(Me.HeaderData, 16, 4), 0) Or _ 1 <> ToUInt16(BlockCopy(Me.HeaderData, 20, 2), 0) _ Then Throw New InvalidDataException("Invalid PCM WAV file") End If Me.AudioFileReference = AudioFileReference End Sub ReadOnly Property Channels() As Integer Get Return ToUInt16(BlockCopy(Me.HeaderData, 22, 2), 0) 'mono = 1, stereo = 2 End Get End Property ReadOnly Property SampleRate() As Integer Get Return ToUInt32(BlockCopy(Me.HeaderData, 24, 4), 0) 'per second End Get End Property ReadOnly Property ByteRate() As Integer Get Return ToUInt32(BlockCopy(Me.HeaderData, 28, 4), 0) 'sample rate * channels * (bits per channel / 8) End Get End Property ReadOnly Property BlockAlign() As Integer Get Return ToUInt16(BlockCopy(Me.HeaderData, 32, 2), 0) 'channels * (bits per sample / 8) End Get End Property ReadOnly Property BitsPerSample() As Integer Get Return ToUInt16(BlockCopy(Me.HeaderData, 34, 2), 0) End Get End Property ReadOnly Property Duration() As Integer Get Dim Size As Double = ToUInt32(BlockCopy(Me.HeaderData, 40, 4), 0) Dim ByteRate As Double = ToUInt32(BlockCopy(Me.HeaderData, 28, 4), 0) Return Ceiling(Size / ByteRate) End Get End Property Public Sub Play() Try My.Computer.Audio.Play(Me.AudioFileReference, AudioPlayMode.Background) Catch Exception As Exception Throw End Try End Sub Public Sub Play(playMode As AudioPlayMode) Try My.Computer.Audio.Play(Me.AudioFileReference, playMode) Catch Exception As Exception Throw End Try End Sub Private Function Read(AudioFileReference As String, ByVal Offset As Long, ByVal Bytes As Long) As Byte() Dim inputFile As System.IO.FileStream Try inputFile = IO.File.Open(AudioFileReference, IO.FileMode.Open) Catch Exception As FileNotFoundException Throw New FileNotFoundException("PCM WAV file not found") Catch Exception As Exception Throw End Try Dim BytesRead As Long Dim Buffer(Bytes - 1) As Byte Try BytesRead = inputFile.Read(Buffer, Offset, Bytes) Catch Exception As Exception Throw Finally Try inputFile.Close() Catch Exception As Exception 'Eat the second exception so as to not mask the previous exception End Try End Try If BytesRead < Bytes Then Throw New InvalidDataException("PCM WAV file read failed") End If Return Buffer End Function Private Function BlockCopy(ByRef Source As Byte(), ByVal Offset As Long, ByVal Bytes As Long) As Byte() Dim Destination(Bytes - 1) As Byte Try Buffer.BlockCopy(Source, Offset, Destination, 0, Bytes) Catch Exception As Exception Throw End Try Return Destination End Function End Class 



将文件粘贴到应用程序bin文件夹中以供参考。 它现在应该工作。