在C#/ .Net中解析Lua数据结构的最简单方法

有人知道在C#或任何.Net库中解析Lua数据结构的简单方法吗? 这与JSON解码类似,除了Lua而不是javascript。


亚历山大说的话。 毕竟,实验室是Lua的家。

具体来说, LuaInterface可以允许Lua解释器嵌入到您的应用程序中,以便您可以使用Lua自己的解析器来读取数据。 这类似于将Lua嵌入C / C ++应用程序中以用作配置/数据文件语言。 LuaCLR项目在某些方面也可能富有成效,但可能不会那么成熟。


这是Lua想要阅读的数据结构(“c:\ sample.lua”):

TestValues = { NumbericOneMillionth = 1e-006, NumbericOnehalf = 0.5, NumbericOne = 1, AString = "a string" } 


 Lua lua = new Lua(); var result = lua.DoFile("C:\\sample.lua"); foreach (DictionaryEntry member in lua.GetTable("TestValues")) { Console.WriteLine("({0}) {1} = {2}", member.Value.GetType().ToString(), member.Key, member.Value); } 


 (System.String) AString = a string (System.Double) NumbericOneMillionth = 1E-06 (System.Double) NumbericOnehalf = 0.5 (System.Double) NumbericOne = 1 


LsonLib可以解析Lua数据结构,操纵它们并将结果序列化回Lua文本。 完全披露:我是作者。 它是纯粹的C#并且没有依赖关系。


 MY_VAR = { "Foo", ["Bar"] = "Baz" } ANOTHER = { 235, nil } 


 var d = LsonVars.Parse(File.ReadAllText(somefile)); d["MY_VAR"][1].GetString() // returns "Foo" d["MY_VAR"]["Bar"].GetString() // returns "Baz" d["MY_VAR"][2] // throws d["ANOTHER"][1].GetString() // throws because it's an int d["ANOTHER"][1].GetInt() // returns 235 d["ANOTHER"][2] // returns null d["ANOTHER"][1].GetStringLenient() // returns "235" d["ANOTHER"][1] = "blah"; // now { "blah", nil } d["ANOTHER"].Remove(2); // now { "blah" } File.WriteAllText(somefile, LsonVars.ToString(d)); // save changes 


您可能(或可能不)在Lablua项目中找到您需要的东西 。


我还没有看过这个,现在保存一个链接: http : //www.youpvp.com/blog/post/LuaParse-C-parser-for-World-of-Warcraft-saved-variable-files。 ASPX

遗憾的是LuaInterface只是打包在x86上运行,所以我在寻找其他选择。 这是来源:

 /* * Denis Bekman 2009 * www.youpvp.com/blog -- * This code is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License. * To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/us/ */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Xml.Linq; using System.IO; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Xml; using System.Net; namespace YouPVP { public class LuaParse { List toks = new List(); public string Id { get; set; } public LuaObject Val { get; set; } public void Parse(string s) { string qs = string.Format("({0}[^{0}]*{0})", "\""); string[] z = Regex.Split(s, qs + @"|(=)|(,)|(\[)|(\])|(\{)|(\})|(--[^\n\r]*)"); foreach (string tok in z) { if (tok.Trim().Length != 0 && !tok.StartsWith("--")) { toks.Add(tok.Trim()); } } Assign(); } protected void Assign() { if (!IsLiteral) throw new Exception("expect identifier"); Id = GetToken(); if (!IsToken("=")) throw new Exception("expect '='"); NextToken(); Val = RVal(); } protected LuaObject RVal() { if (IsToken("{")) return LuaObject(); else if (IsString) return GetString(); else if (IsNumber) return GetNumber(); else if (IsFloat) return GetFloat(); else throw new Exception("expecting '{', a string or a number"); } protected LuaObject LuaObject() { Dictionary table = new Dictionary(); NextToken(); while (!IsToken("}")) { if (IsToken("[")) { NextToken(); string name = GetString(); if (!IsToken("]")) throw new Exception("expecting ']'"); NextToken(); if (!IsToken("=")) throw new Exception("expecting '='"); NextToken(); table.Add(name, RVal()); } else { table.Add(table.Count.ToString(), RVal());//array } if (!IsToken(",")) throw new Exception("expecting ','"); NextToken(); } NextToken(); return table; } protected bool IsLiteral { get { return Regex.IsMatch(toks[0], "^[a-zA-Z]+[0-9a-zA-Z_]*"); } } protected bool IsString { get { return Regex.IsMatch(toks[0], "^\"([^\"]*)\""); } } protected bool IsNumber { get { return Regex.IsMatch(toks[0], @"^\d+"); } } protected bool IsFloat { get { return Regex.IsMatch(toks[0], @"^\d*\.\d+"); } } protected string GetToken() { string v = toks[0]; toks.RemoveAt(0); return v; } protected LuaObject GetString() { Match m = Regex.Match(toks[0], "^\"([^\"]*)\""); string v = m.Groups[1].Captures[0].Value; toks.RemoveAt(0); return v; } protected LuaObject GetNumber() { int v = Convert.ToInt32(toks[0]); toks.RemoveAt(0); return v; } protected LuaObject GetFloat() { double v = Convert.ToDouble(toks[0]); toks.RemoveAt(0); return v; } protected void NextToken() { toks.RemoveAt(0); } protected bool IsToken(string s) { return toks[0] == s; } } public class LuaObject : System.Collections.IEnumerable { private object luaobj; public LuaObject(object o) { luaobj = o; } public System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { Dictionary dic = luaobj as Dictionary; return dic.GetEnumerator(); } public LuaObject this[int ix] { get { Dictionary dic = luaobj as Dictionary; try { return dic[ix.ToString()]; } catch (KeyNotFoundException) { return null; } } } public LuaObject this[string index] { get { Dictionary dic = luaobj as Dictionary; try { return dic[index]; } catch (KeyNotFoundException) { return null; } } } public static implicit operator string(LuaObject m) { return m.luaobj as string; } public static implicit operator int(LuaObject m) { return (m.luaobj as int? ?? 0); } public static implicit operator LuaObject(string s) { return new LuaObject(s); } public static implicit operator LuaObject(int i) { return new LuaObject(i); } public static implicit operator LuaObject(double d) { return new LuaObject(d); } public static implicit operator LuaObject(Dictionary dic) { return new LuaObject(dic); } } }