

private void GenerateBarCode(string codeInfo) { //Settings for the Image string TypeFaceName = "IDAutomationHC39M"; string imageLocation = Server.MapPath("2010.png"); //The format of the image file ImageFormat format = ImageFormat.Png; //path of unique file name string path = "D://MyProjects//RepeaterPaging//images//vijendra.png"; //REFERENCING A FONT PrivateFontCollection fnts = new PrivateFontCollection(); fnts.AddFontFile("IDAutomationHC39M.ttf"); FontFamily fntfam = new FontFamily(TypeFaceName); Font fnt = new Font(fntfam, 13); fnts.AddFontFile("Arial.ttf"); FontFamily fntfam2 = new FontFamily("Arial", fnts); //DRAWING THE IMAGE Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(960, 386); //Canvas size Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp); Bitmap orignBitmap = new Bitmap(imageLocation); g.Clear(Color.Transparent); //Background color SizeF bc = g.MeasureString(codeInfo, fnt); Brush br = new SolidBrush(Color.Black); g.DrawImage(orignBitmap, 10, 8); g.DrawString(codeInfo, fnt, br, 585, 170); //Drawing the Image g.TextRenderingHint= bmp.Save(path, format); //Saving the Image file bmp.Dispose(); //Releasing all resources (Image file) Response.Clear(); } 

alt text http://sofzh.miximages.com/c%23/www.freeimagehosting.net

现在我想删除条形码下面的文字。 我怎样才能做到这一点?。


尝试类似: 免费条形码字体 – 代码39

你可以设置Font = null; 删除条形码下方的文字。

 Barcode128 code128 = new Barcode128(); code128.CodeType = Barcode.CODE128; code128.Code = "123456789"; code128.Font = null; 


删除它们的唯一方法是在渲染文本后修改位图(或裁剪它); 这需要知道最终条形码有多大。 除了痛苦之外,并非不可能。