

public class MyClass1 { private List _otherClassList; public MyClass1() { this._otherClasslist = new List(); } } public class MyClass2 { private List = new List(); public MyClass2() { } } 



在两种情况下(即使在Debug和Release版本中),C#编译器(VS2008 sp1)发出的IL几乎都是等效的。

但是,如果需要添加以 List 作为 参数的参数化构造 函数 ,它将会有所不同(特别是,当您使用此类构造函数创建大量对象时)。

请参阅以下示例以查看差异(您可以复制和过去到VS并构建它以查看带有Reflector或ILDASM的IL )。

 using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace Ctors { //Tested with VS2008 SP1 class A { //This will be executed before entering any constructor bodies... private List myList = new List(); public A() { } //This will create an unused temp List object //in both Debug and Release build public A(List list) { myList = list; } } class B { private List myList; //ILs emitted by C# compiler are identicial to //those of public A() in both Debug and Release build public B() { myList = new List(); } //No garbage here public B(List list) { myList = list; } } class C { private List myList = null; //In Release build, this is identical to B(), //In Debug build, ILs to initialize myList to null is inserted. //So more ILs than B() in Debug build. public C() { myList = new List(); } //This is identical to B(List list) //in both Debug and Release build. public C(List list) { myList = list; } } class D { //This will be executed before entering a try/catch block //in the default constructor private E myE = new E(); public D() { try { } catch (NotImplementedException e) { //Cannot catch NotImplementedException thrown by E(). Console.WriteLine("Can I catch here???"); } } } public class E { public E() { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { //This will result in an unhandled exception. //You may want to use try/catch block when constructing D objects. D myD = new D(); } } } 



字段在调用对象实例的构造函数之前立即初始化,因此如果构造函数指定字段的值,它将覆盖字段声明期间给出的任何值。 来自MSDN :

然而,你可能想要考虑的是边缘情况IL – Bloat 。 字段初始值设定项的IL插入到每个ctor的顶部。 从那以后,如果你有许多字段初始化器许多过载的ctors ,IL的相同部分以ctor重载IL为前缀。 因此,与使用构造函数链接或委托给公共Initialize()函数(其中重复的IL将是方法调用)的情况相比,程序集的总大小可能会增加。 因此,对于这种特定情况,字段初始化器将是一个相对较弱的选择。


 public class MyClass2 { private List whack = new List(); // lots of other field initializers public MyClass2() { Console.WriteLine("Default ctor"); } public MyClass2(string s) { Console.WriteLine("String overload"); } // lots of other overload ctors } 




在c#中,您的两个示例之间几乎没有区别。 但是,开发人员倾向于在构造函数中初始化他们的字段,因为它不容易出错。