
根据Eric Gunnerson的说法

  • 使用锁(这个)
  • 使用锁(typeof())

Do锁定私有变量,而不是用户可以看到的内容如果需要私钥锁定,请使用“object key = new object()”





private static object _syncRoot = new object(); 


 lock(_syncRoot) { ... } 

私有实例变量也可能是危险的,因为类的实例不是您作为类所拥有的实现者的东西。 它是拥有该实例的类的使用者。

在发布新问题之前,您应该真正搜索旧问题。 锁

当Darin Dimitrov说私人变量锁是危险的时候也是错误的。 对私有变量的锁定用于同步类的特定实例的资源。 它可能发生在你有

 // A Client which listens to several servers public class Client { private static object logSync = new object(); private readonly Dictionary servers = new Dictionary();// .... some code for initialization ... // Disposing a server. public void Dispose (string serverName) { // the lock needed here is on private variable. This purpose cannot be achieved with a // lock on private static object. Well you can achieve the purpose but you will block // all Client instances when you do so, which is pointless. // Also notice that services is readonly, which is convenient // because that is the object we took a lock on. The lock is on the same object always // there is no need to unnecessarily create objects for locks. lock(services) { // ... Do something cleanup here ... Server server; if (servers.TryGetValue(serverName, out server)) { server.Dispose(); servers.Remove(serverName); } } } // on some message that has to be logged public void OnMessage(string message, Server server) { // This makes sure that all clients log to the same sink and // the messages are processed in the order of receipt lock (logSync) { Log(evt); } } 
