
嗨,根据我在这里的最后一个问题,我尝试编写一个sql编辑器或类似的东西,这样我尝试从C#连接到CMD并执行我的命令。 现在我的问题是我连接到SQLPLUS后,我无法获得SQLPLUS命令,我审查的其他资源不满足我。 请帮助我如何在连接到sqlplus之后,我可以在我的进程中运行我的sql命令吗? 现在我用这个代码:

//Create process System.Diagnostics.Process pProcess = new System.Diagnostics.Process(); //strCommand is path and file name of command to run pProcess.StartInfo.FileName = strCommand; //strCommandParameters are parameters to pass to program pProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = strCommandParameters; pProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; //Set output of program to be written to process output stream pProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; //Optional pProcess.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = strWorkingDirectory; //Start the process pProcess.Start(); //Get program output string strOutput = pProcess.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd(); //Wait for process to finish pProcess.WaitForExit(); 

我定制了它。 我分开初始化,我创建过程对象一次我还有问题,运行第二个命令我使用这些代码进行第二次调用:

 pProcess.StartInfo.FileName = strCommand; //strCommandParameters are parameters to pass to program pProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = strCommandParameters; //Start the process pProcess.Start(); //Get program output string strOutput = pProcess.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd(); //Wait for process to finish pProcess.WaitForExit(); 


你的问题有点令人困惑,但我想我看到了你的问题。 首先,您应该查看此博客文章,以查看System.Diagnostics.Process的常见问题 。 您的代码碰巧违反了那里未列出的代码。 重用Process对象本身。


  class MyProcessStarter { private ProcessStartInfo _startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(); public MyProcessStarter(string exe, string workingDir) { _startInfo.WorkingDirectory = workingDir; _startInfo.FileName = exe; _startInfo.UseShellExecute = false; _startInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; } public string Run(string arguments) { _startInfo.Arguments = arguments; Process p = Process.Start(_startInfo); p.Start(); string strOutput = p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd(); p.WaitForExit(); return strOutput; } } 

我编写了一个名为ProcessRunner的更完整,更准确的实现。 以下演示了执行相同操作的用法:

 using CSharpTest.Net.Processes; partial class Program { static int Main(string[] args) { ProcessRunner run = new ProcessRunner("svn.exe"); run.OutputReceived += new ProcessOutputEventHandler(run_OutputReceived); return run.Run("update", "C:\\MyProject"); } static void run_OutputReceived(object sender, ProcessOutputEventArgs args) { Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", args.Error ? "Error" : "Output", args.Data); } } 


如果没有数据可用,你不能要求READ ……有点吮吸不是吗?

我的解决方案…当要求阅读时……请求阅读一个大缓冲区…就像1 MEGA …


 Public Class Form1 Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim oProcess As New Process() Dim oStartInfo As New ProcessStartInfo("cmd.exe", "") oStartInfo.UseShellExecute = False oStartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = True oStartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = True oStartInfo.CreateNoWindow = True oProcess.StartInfo = oStartInfo oProcess.Start() oProcess.StandardInput.WriteLine("dir") Threading.Thread.Sleep(100) Dim Response As String = String.Empty Dim BuffSize As Integer = 1024 * 1024 Dim bytesRead As Integer = 0 Do Dim x As Char() = New Char(BuffSize - 1) {} bytesRead = oProcess.StandardOutput.Read(x, 0, BuffSize) Response = String.Concat(Response, String.Join("", x).Substring(0, bytesRead)) Loop While oProcess.StandardOutput.Peek >= 0 MsgBox(Response) Response = String.Empty oProcess.StandardInput.WriteLine("dir c:\") Threading.Thread.Sleep(100) bytesRead = 0 Do Dim x As Char() = New Char(BuffSize - 1) {} bytesRead = oProcess.StandardOutput.Read(x, 0, BuffSize) Response = String.Concat(Response, String.Join("", x).Substring(0, bytesRead)) 'Response = String.Concat(Response, String.Join("", x)) Loop While oProcess.StandardOutput.Peek >= 0 MsgBox(Response) End Sub End Class