
我在发送的字节prevSum之间采用了每秒 5次的不同

  • 下面的代码能给我正确的速度吗?
  • 我应该更改费率数组大小?
  • 或者我应该更改Thread.Sleep(值)?
  • static long prevSum = 0; static long[] rate = new long[5]; private static void SpeedPerSec(object o) { fileProgress fP = (fileProgress)o; //get the form conrtols while (busy) // while sending file is active { for (int i = 0; i < rate.Length; i++) { //diff between the sent bytes and prev sent bytes rate[i] = (sum - prevSum); Thread.Sleep(1000/rate.Length); } prevSum = sum; fP.RateLabel(Convert.ToInt64(rate.Average())); //print the trasnfer rate which take a long value .. it just print the value in MB or KB string } } 


      public static bool busy = false; public static Socket client; public static int packetSize = 1024*8; public static int count = 0; public static long fileSize; public static long sum = 0; public static void sendFile(string filePath) { // run the progres Form Thread thFP = new Thread(fpRUN); fileProgress fP = new fileProgress("Sending..."); thFP.Start(fP); FileStream fs = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); string fileName = Path.GetFileName(filePath); byte[] fileData; try { //sending file name and file size to the server busy = true; fileSize = fs.Length; byte[] fileDetial = null; string detail = fileName + "," + fileSize.ToString(); fileDetial = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(detail); client.Send(fileDetial); //sending file data to the server fileData = new byte[packetSize]; count = 0; sum = 0; Thread thSpeed = new Thread(SpeedAndTimeLeft); //*here the thread of SPEED per second method thSpeed.Start(fP); fP.SizeLabel(fileSize); // tell the form the file size Thread thClock = new Thread(fP.clock); thClock.Start(); while (sum < fileSize) { fs.Seek(sum, SeekOrigin.Begin); fs.Read(fileData, 0, fileData.Length); count = client.Send(fileData, 0, fileData.Length, SocketFlags.None); sum += count; fP.ProgressBarFileHandler(sum,fileSize); //progressbar value fP.SentLabel(sum, fileSize); //tell the form how much sent } } finally { busy = false; fs.Close(); fileData = null; MessageBox.Show(string.Format("{0} sent successfully", fileName)); } } 

    我不明白为什么你使用long [] rate变量…如果你想计算传输速率并每秒更新它,你应该将当前的fileSize存储在一个变量中,然后在睡眠后看到新的fileSize 。 然后从新的文件中减去先前的fileSieze,并获得最后一秒的传输速率(实时传输速率)。 对于一般传输速率,您应该通过在下载/上传开始时采用时间戳来计算它,然后在每次睡眠之后通过将当前fileSize除以到目前为止所经过的总秒数来计算速率。



     long[] rates = new long[] { 5, 1, 3,4 ,2 ,5, 1}; 


     double currentAverage = 0; for (int i = 0; i < rates.Length; i++) { long currentRate = rates[i]; int iteration = i + 1; currentAverage = (currentAverage * i + currentRate) / iteration; } 
