




[TestMethod] public void IsFinanceDeadlineDateValid() { var target = new BusinessObject(); SetupBusinessObject(target); //How can I capture this in the text context so I can display all the data //in the exception in the test result... var expected = 100; try { Assert.AreEqual(expected, target.PerformSomeCalculationThatMayDivideByZero()); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.Data.Add("SomethingImportant", "I want to see this in the test result, as its important"); ex.Data.Add("Expected", expected); throw ex; } } 


但是,如果测试失败,99%的时间,我重新运行它通过,所以没有这些信息我无法调试任何东西。 我还想在GLOBAL级别上执行此操作,因此如果任何测试失败,我会在测试结果中获取信息,而不是为每个单独的测试执行此操作。


  public void AddDataFromExceptionToResults(Exception ex) { StringBuilder whereAmI = new StringBuilder(); var holdException = ex; while (holdException != null) { Console.WriteLine(whereAmI.ToString() + "--" + holdException.Message); foreach (var item in holdException.Data.Keys) { Console.WriteLine(whereAmI.ToString() + "--Data--" + item + ":" + holdException.Data[item]); } holdException = holdException.InnerException; } } 

我一直在遇到同样的问题,似乎没有对此表示支持。 您甚至无法使用ApplicationDomain的未处理exception挂钩,因为如果MSTEST在它们冒泡到那么远之前没有捕获exception,它本身就会崩溃。


  private delegate void TestImplDelegate(); private void RunTestWithExceptionLogging(TestImplDelegate testImpl) { try { testImpl(); } catch (Exception e) { string message = e.Message; // don't warn about unused variables // do logging here } } [TestMethod] public void test1() { RunTestWithExceptionLogging(test1Impl); } private void test1Impl() { // test code goes here throw new Exception("This should get logged by the test wrapper."); } [TestMethod] public void test2() { RunTestWithExceptionLogging(test2Impl); } private void test2Impl() { // test code goes here throw new Exception("This should get logged by the test wrapper."); } 




该示例使用postharp (这是一个AOP库)在编译时为您的代码注入try-catch。 它将注入具有[TestMethod]属性的所有方法。 – postsharp免费版将完成工作,无需通过许可证。

您要做的第一件事是创建AOP属性。 这些属性定义了在exception和+ define注入条件下将要完成的操作,这是你如何做到的:

 ///  /// Catch exceptions of tests and save them in  under TestContext.Properties. This is done since MSTEST does not supply any mechanism to catch tests exceptions. ///  [SerializableAttribute] public class CodedTestsExceptionsHandlingAop : OnExceptionAspect { ///  /// The name of the property that will be added to the test context properties object. ///  public const string FailureExceptionProerty = "FailureException"; ///  /// Save the exception in a  and rethrow. ///  ///  public override void OnException(MethodExecutionArgs args) { var testBase = (Framework.TestBase) args.Instance;//The instance running the test inherits from TestBase. testBase.TestContext.Properties.Add("FailureException", args.Exception); args.FlowBehavior = FlowBehavior.RethrowException; } ///  /// Make sure only test methods will get this AOP. ///  ///  ///  public override bool CompileTimeValidate(MethodBase method) { if (method.IsDefined(typeof(TestMethodAttribute))) return true; return false; } } 


 [assembly: CodedTestsExceptionsHandlingAop(AttributeTargetTypes = "*", AttributeTargetElements = MulticastTargets.Method)] 


我认为能够获得unit testing的exception会在出现意外exception时更有用,并且您希望记录或收集有关exception的额外信息,而不是依靠TestExplorer来查找检查失败的测试。