
所以,我在使用C#(.NET 4.0 + WinForms)和iTextSharp 5.1.2时遇到了这个问题。

我有一些扫描图像存储在数据库中,需要与这些图像一起构建。 有些文件只有一页,其他有几百页。 这工作正常使用:

foreach (var page in pages) { Image pageImage = Image.GetInstance(page.Image); pageImage.ScaleToFit(document.PageSize.Width,document.PageSize.Height); pageImage.Alignment = Image.ALIGN_TOP | Image.ALIGN_CENTER; document.Add(pageImage); document.NewPage(); //... } 




  foreach (var page in pages) { Image pageImage = Image.GetInstance(page.Image); pageImage.ScaleToFit(document.PageSize.Width,document.PageSize.Height); pageImage.Alignment = Image.ALIGN_TOP | Image.ALIGN_CENTER; document.Add(pageImage); document.NewPage(); //... } Table t = new table.... document.Add(t); 






第一件事是PdfPTable有一个叫做WriteSelectedRows()的特殊方法,它允许你在一个精确的x,y坐标上绘制一个表。 它有六个重载,但最常用的可能是:

 PdfPTable.WriteSelectedRows(int rowStart,int rowEnd, float xPos, float yPos, PdfContentByte canvas) 


 t.WriteSelectedRows(0, t.Rows.Count, 400, 400, writer.DirectContent); 


 //Set these to your absolute column width(s), whatever they are. t.SetTotalWidth(new float[] { 200, 300 }); 

第二件事是在呈现整个表之前,表的高度是未知的。 这意味着您无法准确知道放置表的位置,以便它真正位于底部。 解决方案是首先将表格渲染为临时文档,然后计算高度。 以下是我用来执行此操作的方法:

  public static float CalculatePdfPTableHeight(PdfPTable table) { using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { using (Document doc = new Document(PageSize.TABLOID)) { using (PdfWriter w = PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc, ms)) { doc.Open(); table.WriteSelectedRows(0, table.Rows.Count, 0, 0, w.DirectContent); doc.Close(); return table.TotalHeight; } } } } 


  PdfPTable t = new PdfPTable(2); //In order to use WriteSelectedRows you need to set the width of the table t.SetTotalWidth(new float[] { 200, 300 }); t.AddCell("Hello"); t.AddCell("World"); t.AddCell("Test"); t.AddCell("Test"); float tableHeight = CalculatePdfPTableHeight(t); 

所以这里有一个完整的WinForms示例,目标是iTextSharp我知道你说5.1.2,但这应该是一样的)。 此示例查找桌面上名为“Test”的文件夹中的所有JPEG。 然后将它们添加到8.5“x11”PDF中。 然后在PDF的最后一页上,或者如果在唯一的页面上只有1个JPEG开头,它会扩展PDF的高度,但是我们正在添加的表格是高,然后将表格放在左下角角。 有关详细说明,请参阅代码本身中的注释。

 using System; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using iTextSharp.text; using iTextSharp.text.pdf; using System.IO; namespace Full_Profile1 { public partial class Form1 : Form { public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); } public static float CalculatePdfPTableHeight(PdfPTable table) { //Create a temporary PDF to calculate the height using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { using (Document doc = new Document(PageSize.TABLOID)) { using (PdfWriter w = PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc, ms)) { doc.Open(); table.WriteSelectedRows(0, table.Rows.Count, 0, 0, w.DirectContent); doc.Close(); return table.TotalHeight; } } } } private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Create our table PdfPTable t = new PdfPTable(2); //In order to use WriteSelectedRows you need to set the width of the table t.SetTotalWidth(new float[] { 200, 300 }); t.AddCell("Hello"); t.AddCell("World"); t.AddCell("Test"); t.AddCell("Test"); //Calculate true height of the table so we can position it at the document's bottom float tableHeight = CalculatePdfPTableHeight(t); //Folder that we are working in string workingFolder = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop), "Test"); //PDF that we are creating string outputFile = Path.Combine(workingFolder, "Output.pdf"); //Get an array of all JPEGs in the folder String[] AllImages = Directory.GetFiles(workingFolder, "*.jpg", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); //Standard iTextSharp PDF init using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(outputFile, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None)) { using (Document document = new Document(PageSize.LETTER)) { using (PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, fs)) { //Open our document for writing document.Open(); //We do not want any margins in the document probably document.SetMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); //Declare here, init in loop below iTextSharp.text.Image pageImage; //Loop through each image for (int i = 0; i < AllImages.Length; i++) { //If we only have one image or we are on the second to last one if ((AllImages.Length == 1) | (i == (AllImages.Length - 1))) { //Increase the size of the page by the height of the table document.SetPageSize(new iTextSharp.text.Rectangle(0, 0, document.PageSize.Width, document.PageSize.Height + tableHeight)); } //Add a new page to the PDF document.NewPage(); //Create our image instance pageImage = iTextSharp.text.Image.GetInstance(AllImages[i]); pageImage.ScaleToFit(document.PageSize.Width, document.PageSize.Height); pageImage.Alignment = iTextSharp.text.Image.ALIGN_TOP | iTextSharp.text.Image.ALIGN_CENTER; document.Add(pageImage); //If we only have one image or we are on the second to last one if ((AllImages.Length == 1) | (i == (AllImages.Length - 1))) { //Draw the table to the bottom left corner of the document t.WriteSelectedRows(0, t.Rows.Count, 0, tableHeight, writer.DirectContent); } } //Close document for writing document.Close(); } } } this.Close(); } } } 


以下是根据您的评论进行的编辑。 我只发布了for循环的内容,这是唯一改变的部分。 调用ScaleToFit您只需要考虑tableHeight

  //Loop through each image for (int i = 0; i < AllImages.Length; i++) { //Add a new page to the PDF document.NewPage(); //Create our image instance pageImage = iTextSharp.text.Image.GetInstance(AllImages[i]); //If we only have one image or we are on the second to last one if ((AllImages.Length == 1) | (i == (AllImages.Length - 1))) { //Scale based on the height of document minus the table height pageImage.ScaleToFit(document.PageSize.Width, document.PageSize.Height - tableHeight); } else { //Scale normally pageImage.ScaleToFit(document.PageSize.Width, document.PageSize.Height); } pageImage.Alignment = iTextSharp.text.Image.ALIGN_TOP | iTextSharp.text.Image.ALIGN_CENTER; document.Add(pageImage); //If we only have one image or we are on the second to last one if ((AllImages.Length == 1) | (i == (AllImages.Length - 1))) { //Draw the table to the bottom left corner of the document t.WriteSelectedRows(0, t.Rows.Count, 0, tableHeight, writer.DirectContent); } } 
