其中一个主键值的类型与实体中定义的类型不匹配。 请参阅内部exception了解详细信

我有以下方法: –

public ActionResult CustomersDetails(string[] SelectRight) { var selectedCustomers = new SelectedCustomers { Info = SelectRight.Select(GetAccount) }; return View(selectedCustomers); } private AccountDefinition GetAccount(string id) { return entities.AccountDefinition.Find(id); } 

但它返回以下错误: –

 The type of one of the primary key values did not match the type defined in the entity. See inner exception for details. 

return entities.AccountDefinition.Find(id); 线


内在的例外是: –

 System.ArgumentException was unhandled by user code HResult=-2147024809 Message=The type of one of the primary key values did not match the type defined in the entity. See inner exception for details. Parameter name: keyValues Source=EntityFramework ParamName=keyValues StackTrace: at System.Data.Entity.Internal.Linq.InternalSet`1.FindInStore(WrappedEntityKey key, String keyValuesParamName) at System.Data.Entity.Internal.Linq.InternalSet`1.Find(Object[] keyValues) at System.Data.Entity.DbSet`1.Find(Object[] keyValues) InnerException: System.Data.EntitySqlException HResult=-2146232006 Message=The argument types 'Edm.Int64' and 'Edm.String' are incompatible for this operation. Near WHERE predicate, line 1, column 90. Source=System.Data.Entity Column=90 ErrorContext=WHERE predicate, line 1, column 90 ErrorDescription=The argument types 'Edm.Int64' and 'Edm.String' are incompatible for this operation. Line=1 

查看exception消息The argument types 'Edm.Int64' and 'Edm.String' are incompatible for this operation. Near WHERE predicate, line 1, column 90. The argument types 'Edm.Int64' and 'Edm.String' are incompatible for this operation. Near WHERE predicate, line 1, column 90.



  1. CustomersDetails(string[] SelectRight)long[] ,将GetAccount(string id) string GetAccount(string id)long id
  2. 更改return entities.AccountDefinition.Find(id); return entities.AccountDefinition.Find(long.Parse(id));


您传递给Find方法字符串但延伸到Int64 The argument types 'Edm.Int64' and 'Edm.String'




 public ActionResult Details(Int32 id, string dataSource) { TVData_VW_ShowList tvdata_vw_showlist = context.TVData_VW_ShowList.Find(id, datasource); if (tvdata_vw_showlist == null) { return HttpNotFound(); } return View(tvdata_vw_showlist); } 


 public ActionResult Details(Int32 id, string dataSource) { TVData_VW_ShowList tvdata_vw_showlist = context.TVData_VW_ShowList.Find(dataSource, id); if (tvdata_vw_showlist == null) { return HttpNotFound(); } return View(tvdata_vw_showlist); } 
