
在.net中,我可以使用域和用户名创建NTAccount ,并获取它的SID。


 new SecurityIdentifier(stringSid).Translate(typeof(NTAccount)).ToString(); 



SecurityIdentifier.Translate()方法仅适用于域帐户,因此您的计算机可能未附加到域。 要将本地SID解析为帐户名,可以使用Win32 API函数LookupAccountSid()查看此处 。


在codeproject中,有一个很好的例子: http : //www.codeproject.com/KB/cs/getusersid.aspx


 private string GetSid(string strLogin) { string str = ""; // Parse the string to check if domain name is present. int idx = strLogin.IndexOf('\\'); if (idx == -1) { idx = strLogin.IndexOf('@'); } string strDomain; string strName; if (idx != -1) { strDomain = strLogin.Substring(0, idx); strName = strLogin.Substring(idx+1); } else { strDomain = Environment.MachineName; strName = strLogin; } DirectoryEntry obDirEntry = null; try { Int64 iBigVal = 5; Byte[] bigArr = BitConverter.GetBytes(iBigVal); obDirEntry = new DirectoryEntry("WinNT://" + strDomain + "/" + strName); System.DirectoryServices.PropertyCollection coll = obDirEntry.Properties; object obVal = coll["objectSid"].Value; if (null != obVal) { str = this.ConvertByteToStringSid((Byte[])obVal); } } catch (Exception ex) { str = ""; Trace.Write(ex.Message); } return str; } private string ConvertByteToStringSid(Byte[] sidBytes) { StringBuilder strSid = new StringBuilder(); strSid.Append("S-"); try { // Add SID revision. strSid.Append(sidBytes[0].ToString()); // Next six bytes are SID authority value. if (sidBytes[6] != 0 || sidBytes[5] != 0) { string strAuth = String.Format ("0x{0:2x}{1:2x}{2:2x}{3:2x}{4:2x}{5:2x}", (Int16)sidBytes[1], (Int16)sidBytes[2], (Int16)sidBytes[3], (Int16)sidBytes[4], (Int16)sidBytes[5], (Int16)sidBytes[6]); strSid.Append("-"); strSid.Append(strAuth); } else { Int64 iVal = (Int32)(sidBytes[1]) + (Int32)(sidBytes[2] << 8) + (Int32)(sidBytes[3] << 16) + (Int32)(sidBytes[4] << 24); strSid.Append("-"); strSid.Append(iVal.ToString()); } // Get sub authority count... int iSubCount = Convert.ToInt32(sidBytes[7]); int idxAuth = 0; for (int i = 0; i < iSubCount; i++) { idxAuth = 8 + i * 4; UInt32 iSubAuth = BitConverter.ToUInt32(sidBytes, idxAuth); strSid.Append("-"); strSid.Append(iSubAuth.ToString()); } } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.Warn(ex.Message); return ""; } return strSid.ToString(); } 
