ASP.NET MVC 5中的DateCreated和DateModified


该应用程序在开发机器上使用LocalDB的IIS Express上运行,并将在IIS 7.5的部署服务器上使用SQL Server 2012。


 public class Person : IdentityUser { [Required] public string Name { get; set; } public Date DateOfBirth { get; set; } public string Address { get; set; } [DatabaseGeneratedOption.Identity] public Date DateCreated { get; set; } [DatabaseGeneratedOption.Identity] public Date DateModified { get; set; } } 

请列出准确的步骤来配置DB来处理事务元日期,例如需要在模型中设置什么以及是否在DB上下文配置器中采取任何操作。 我正在寻找类似的东西: “所有你需要知道的关于ASP.NET MVC日期处理” ,但是无法触及那个方面。


我将从entity framework的角度考虑这个问题。




3-在entity framework中使用DbContext添加在尝试通过SaveChanges或SaveChangesAsync保存实体时需要调用的扩展方法,此方法将循环遍历跟踪的实体并根据实体的状态设置DateCreated和DateModified属性。


 public class Person : IdentityUser, ITrackable { [Required] public string Name { get; set; } public Date DateOfBirth { get; set; } public string Address { get; set; } public DateTime DateCreated { get; set; } public DateTime DateModified { get; set; } } 


 internal static void SyncObjectsStatePreCommit(this DbContext dbContext) { foreach (var dbEntityEntry in dbContext.ChangeTracker.Entries()) { // do any other stuff you want. // .. // .. // work with ITrackable entities var trackableObject = dbEntityEntry.Entity as ITrackable; // we need to set/update trackable properties if (trackableObject == null) { continue; } var dateTime = DateTime.Now; // set createddate only for added entities if (entityState.ObjectState == ObjectState.Added) { trackableObject.CreatedDate = dateTime; } // set LastUpdatedDate for any case other than Unchanged if (entityState.ObjectState != ObjectState.Unchanged) { trackableObject.ModifiedDate = dateTime; } } } 

现在在dbContext Save方法中,您需要调用此方法来设置所有这些属性。




 public override System.Threading.Tasks.Task SaveChangesAsync() { foreach (var auditableEntity in ChangeTracker.Entries()) { if (auditableEntity.State == EntityState.Added || auditableEntity.State == EntityState.Modified) { // implementation may change based on the useage scenario, this // sample is for forma authentication. string currentUser = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.GetUserId(); DateTime currentDate = SiteHelper.GetCurrentDate(); // modify updated date and updated by column for // adds of updates. auditableEntity.Entity.ModifiedDateTime = currentDate; auditableEntity.Entity.ModifiedUserId = currentUser; // pupulate created date and created by columns for // newly added record. if (auditableEntity.State == EntityState.Added) { auditableEntity.Entity.CreatedDateTime = currentDate; auditableEntity.Entity.CreatedUserId = currentUser; } else { // we also want to make sure that code is not inadvertly // modifying created date and created by columns auditableEntity.Property(p => p.CreatedDateTime).IsModified = false; auditableEntity.Property(p => p.CreatedUserId).IsModified = false; } } } return base.SaveChangesAsync(); }