
我试图根据长度找到最短和最长的字符串值,然后卡住了。 截至目前,脚本在写字线后退出。 我认为代码需要一些帮助,我不认为for循环可以自己工作。 任何援助将不胜感激。

for (int i = 5; i  max) { maxx = word[i]; Console.Write("Shortest"); } if (length < min) { minn = word[i]; Console.Write("Longest"); } } Console.ReadKey(true); } 

 string[] word = new string[5]; for (int i = 0;i<= word.length ; i++) { Console.WriteLine("Type in a word"); word[i] = Console.ReadLine(); } int min = word[0].Length; int max = word[0].Length; string maxx=""; string minn=""; for (int i = 0; i<=word.length ; i++) { int length = word[i].Length; if (length > max) { maxx = word[i]; } if (length < min) { minn = word[i]; Console.Write("Longest"); } } Console.Write("Shortest:"+maxx); Console.Write("Longest"+minn); Console.ReadKey(true); } 



 var sorted=word.OrderBy(n => n.Length); var shortest = sorted.FirstOrDefault(); var longest = sorted.LastOrDefault(); 


 public static class Extensions{ // assumes that supply a Func that will return an int to compare by public static Tuple MaxMin(this IEnumerable sequence, Func propertyAccessor){ int min = int.MaxValue; int max = int.MinValue; T maxItem = default(T); T minItem = default(T); foreach (var i in sequence) { var propertyValue = propertyAccessor(i); if (propertyValue > max){ max = propertyValue; maxItem = i; } if (propertyValue < min){ min = propertyValue; minItem = i; } } return Tuple.Create(maxItem, minItem); } // max will be stored in first, min in second var maxMin = word.MaxMin(s => s.Length); 


  static void Main(string[] args) { string[] array1 = { "Cats and ratsasdfasdf", "just rats and the just catest", "rats" }; var shortString = array1[0]; var longString = array1[0]; /*Code for Find Shortest and longest string in Array*/ foreach (var t in array1) { if (shortString.Length > t.Length) shortString = t; if (longString.Length < t.Length) longString = t; } Console.WriteLine("shortest string is:" + shortString); Console.WriteLine("Longest string is:" + longString); Console.Read(); } 

您的for循环条件始终为false。 我从5开始,你正在检查它是否小于0 ……这总是假的,所以循环永远不会开始。


如果使用LINQ,则使用Max / Min方法比排序更好。

 var longest = word.Max(s=>s.Length); var shortest = word.Min(s=>s.Length); 
 string[] words = new string[5]; foreach (string word in words) { Console.WriteLine("Type in a word"); word = Console.ReadLine(); var ordered = words.Where(w=>!String.IsNullOrEmpty(w)).OrderBy(w=>w.length) if (ordered.First() == word) Console.Write("Shortest"); if (ordered.Last() == word) Console.Write("Longest"); // First time will display both "Shortest" and "Longest" since it's the only word. // You may adjust code depending on what do you want to do in case of words of same length. Console.ReadKey(true); } } 

正如@DStanley和@RenniePet指出的那样,你的原始代码并没有完全符合你想要完成的任务。 我相信你想循环遍历字符串数组的成员并用控制台输入填充它们。 工作代码如下所示:

  string[] word = new string[5]; for (int i = 0; i < word.Length; i++) { Console.Write("Input text: "); word[i] = Console.ReadLine(); } List _sortedWords = word.ToList(); _sortedWords.Sort((x, y) => x.Length.CompareTo(y.Length)); Console.WriteLine("Smaller: " + _sortedWords[0]); Console.WriteLine("Larget: " + _sortedWords[_sortedWords.Count-1]); Console.ReadLine();