



名为To Kill a Mockingbird的书是经典之作。
这本名为The Catcher in the Rye的书是经典之作。

我遇到的问题是我不能简单地使用regexContains()来查找句子中的标题,因为我不知道下一个句子或书名是什么。 我正在从外部来源搜索很多,所以我想我可以提取相似词之间的内容。

The book named The Catcher in the Rye The book named is a classic

 List sentences = new List() { }; List titles = new List() { }; sentences.Add("The book named Lord of the Flies is a classic."); sentences.Add("The book named To Kill a Mockingbird is a classic."); sentences.Add("The book named The Catcher in the Rye is a classic."); foreach (String title in sentences) { // what to do here? // add title to titles list } 

我的想法是将列表中的所有字符串相互比较,排除字符串的相似部分,然后保留标题。 但我不知道如何去做。



 List ExtractDifferences(List sentences) { var firstDiffIndex = GetFirstDifferenceIndex(sentences); var lastDiffIndex = GetFirstDifferenceIndex(sentences.Select(s => new string(s.Reverse().ToArray())).ToList()); return sentences.Select(s => s.Substring(firstDiffIndex, s.Length - lastDiffIndex - firstDiffIndex)).ToList(); } int GetFirstDifferenceIndex(IList strings) { int firstDifferenceIndex = int.MaxValue; for (int i = 0; i < strings.Count; i++) { var current = strings[i]; var prev = strings[i == 0 ? strings.Count - 1 : i - 1]; var firstDiffIndex = current .Select((c, j) => new { CurrentChar = c, Index = j }) .FirstOrDefault(ci => ci.CurrentChar != prev[ci.Index]) .Index; if (firstDiffIndex < firstDifferenceIndex) { firstDifferenceIndex = firstDiffIndex; } } return firstDifferenceIndex; } 




 List sentences = new List() { }; List titles = new List() { }; sentences.Add("The book named Lord of the Flies is a classic."); sentences.Add("The book named To Kill a Mockingbird is a classic."); sentences.Add("The book named The Catcher in the Rye is a classic."); sentences.Add("Hello"); sentences.Add("The book named "); titles = sentences.Where(sentence => sentence.Length > "The book named ".Length + " is a classic".Length) .GroupBy(sentence => sentence.Substring(0, 15), sentence => sentence.Remove(sentence.Length - " is a classic".Length).Substring("The book named ".Length)) .Where(g => g.Key == "The book named ") .SelectMany(g => g) .ToList(); foreach (var title in titles) WriteLine(title); 
