用户代码未处理来自Dll get Exception的C#User Definedexception处理

我正在使用动态c#应用程序,它将所有类从我单独创建的Dll文件链接到主应用程序,在这些文件中,当我动态连接我的dll文件时,error handling程序希望通过连接抛出错误,因为它曾经是这是我尝试做的事情


class clsGlobles {

public object dlststus = false; // dtabase file status public clsGlobles() { try { if (dlststus == true) { } else { throw new Exception("Some important files are missing - Please re-install the application"); //throw this as a error and stop running the program } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; //throw exception to the upper throw catch exception where i like to hand it //Evan i use throw; instead of throw ex; i get the same result } } 



 private void frmMain_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string tf = ""; tf = Application.StartupPath + "\\clsGlobles.dll"; try { Assembly asm = Assembly.LoadFrom(tf); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.Load(asm.GetName()); Type type = asm.GetTypes().First(t => t.Name == "clsGlobles"); glbls = Activator.CreateInstance(type); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message.ToString()); // the error i throw in inside the dll class should come here and i could handle it from here } } 




我想我在这里得到答案,当我通过引用将我的dll链接到应用程序然后通过using指令使用它作为我的应用程序内的对象它工作正常并让我使用throwexception到应用程序throw catch语句,但是当它通过动态添加到应用程序中时,它希望我在dll中处理我的exception并解决所有问题,它不允许我通过对应用程序 using throw new exception("err")using throw new exception("err")

Evan没有错误的处理, throw new exception是可以的,但它不会允许throw catch块