

这是因为我的MVC控制器具有映射属性的名称,它需要提供给服务调用以进行排序。 服务需要知道映射源自的属性的名称(并且控制器不应该知道它),以便对实际对数据进行排序的存储库执行适当的调用。







吉米博加德告诉我,这应该是可能的,但不是以明显的方式。 它需要加载类型映射并通过它。 我已经简要地研究了它,但似乎我需要访问内部类型来获取进行反向映射所需的属性映射信息。




  • 获取地址的AutoMapper.Internal.PropertyGetter
  • 获取ZipCode的AutoMapper.Internal.PropertyGetter


  • 一个AutoMapper.DelegateBasedResolver我认为它拥有我的显式映射lambda表达式。



目前,我编写了一个帮助类,可以从连锁的属性链中确定原始属性链。 当然,当AutoMapper获得执行此类操作的function时,这将变得过时。

 using System.Globalization; using System.Reflection; ///  /// Resolves concatenated property names back to their originating properties. ///  ///  /// An example of a concatenated property name is "ProductNameLength" where the originating /// property would be "Product.Name.Length". ///  public static class ConcatenatedPropertyNameResolver { private static readonly object mappingCacheLock = new object(); private static readonly Dictionary mappingCache = new Dictionary(); ///  /// Returns the nested name of the property the specified concatenated property /// originates from. ///  /// The concatenated property name. /// The mapping source type. /// The mapping destination type. ///  /// The nested name of the originating property where each level is separated by a dot. ///  public static string GetOriginatingPropertyName(string concatenatedPropertyName) { if (concatenatedPropertyName == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("concatenatedPropertyName"); } else if (concatenatedPropertyName.Length == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Cannot be empty.", "concatenatedPropertyName"); } lock (mappingCacheLock) { MappingCacheKey key = new MappingCacheKey(typeof(TSource), typeof(TDestination), concatenatedPropertyName); if (!mappingCache.ContainsKey(key)) { BindingFlags bindingFlags = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public; List result = new List(); Type type = typeof(TSource); while (concatenatedPropertyName.Length > 0) { IEnumerable properties = type.GetProperties(bindingFlags).Where( n => concatenatedPropertyName.StartsWith(n.Name)).ToList(); if (properties.Count() == 1) { string match = properties.First().Name; result.Add(match); concatenatedPropertyName = concatenatedPropertyName.Substring(match.Length); type = type.GetProperty(match, bindingFlags).PropertyType; } else if (properties.Any()) { throw new InvalidOperationException( string.Format( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Ambiguous properties found for {0} on type {1}: {2}.", concatenatedPropertyName, typeof(TSource).FullName, string.Join(", ", properties.Select(n => n.Name)))); } else { throw new InvalidOperationException( string.Format( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "No matching property found for {0} on type {1}.", concatenatedPropertyName, typeof(TSource).FullName)); } } mappingCache.Add(key, string.Join(".", result)); } return mappingCache[key]; } } ///  /// A mapping cache key. ///  private struct MappingCacheKey { ///  /// The source type. ///  public Type SourceType; ///  /// The destination type the source type maps to. ///  public Type DestinationType; ///  /// The name of the mapped property. ///  public string MappedPropertyName; ///  /// Initializes a new instance of the  class. ///  /// The source type. /// The destination type the source type maps to. /// The name of the mapped property. public MappingCacheKey(Type sourceType, Type destinationType, string mappedPropertyName) { SourceType = sourceType; DestinationType = destinationType; MappedPropertyName = mappedPropertyName; } } } 


 class TestEntity { public Node Root {get; set;} } class Node { public string Leaf {get; set;} } class TestFlattenedEntity { public string RootLeaf {get; set;} } string result = ConcatenatedPropertyNameResolver.GetOriginatingPropertyName("RootLeaf"); Assert.AreEqual("Root.Leaf", result); 

我遇到了与AutoMapper类似的需求。 这是我能解决的解决方案。 我只针对非常简单的映射进行了测试。 主要是一个类到另一个只使用属性的类(基本上是Mapper.CreateMap的默认行为。我假设只有一个映射,所以我使用First而不是迭代集合。

  private MemberInfo getSource(Type destinationType, string destinationPropertyname) { TypeMap map = Mapper.GetAllTypeMaps().Where(m => m.DestinationType.Equals(destinationType)).First(); IEnumerable properties = map.GetPropertyMaps().Where(p => p.DestinationProperty.Name.Equals(destinationPropertyname, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)); PropertyMap sourceProperty = properties.First(); IMemberGetter mg = sourceProperty.GetSourceValueResolvers().Cast().First(); return mg.MemberInfo; } 

我一直在研究同样的问题,并提出了以下代码片段。 它提供了来自AutoMapper的unflattened属性链。 我从sgriffinusa的解决方案中获得了一些灵感。

 using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using AutoMapper; public static class TypeMapExtensions { public static MemberInfo[] TryGetSourceProperties(this TypeMap @this, string propertyName) { if (@this != null) { var propertyMap = @this.GetPropertyMaps() .Where(p => p.DestinationProperty.Name == propertyName).FirstOrDefault(); if (propertyMap != null) { var sourceProperties = propertyMap.GetSourceValueResolvers().OfType(); if (sourceProperties.Any()) return sourceProperties.Select(x => x.MemberInfo).ToArray(); } } return null; } ///  /// Trys to retrieve a source property name, given a destination property name. Only handles simple property mappings, and flattened properties. ///  public static string TryGetSourcePropertyName(this TypeMap @this, string propertyName) { var members = TryGetSourceProperties(@this, propertyName); return (members == null) ? null : string.Join(".", members.Select(x => x.Name).ToArray()); } } 




 var trails = TrailFinder.GetTrails(flatPropertyName, target.GetType().GetInfos(), t => true); 



 var result = string.join(".",trails.ToArray());