

public class Node { public string Code { get; set; } public string Description { get; set; } ... public List Children { get; set; } } 

在给定指定的Code ,我想编写一个返回特定节点的方法。 通常我会在层次结构中进行递归遍历以找到节点,但我关注性能。 层次结构中将有数千个节点,并且此方法将被多次调用。

如何构建它以使其更快? 我是否可以使用现有的数据结构,可能在保留层次结构的同时对Code执行二进制搜索,而不是自己重新实现某种forms的二进制搜索?

将所有节点添加到字典中,并将代码作为键。 (你可以做一次),字典中的查找基本上是O(1)。

 void FillDictionary(Dictionary dictionary, Node node) { if (dictionary.ContainsKey(node.Code)) return; dictionary.Add(node.Code, node); foreach (Node child in node.Children) FillDictionary(dictionary, child) } 


 var dictionary = new Dictionary(); FillDictionary(dictionary, rootNode); 


这是我和其他人谈论的全面实现。 请注意,通过使用索引字典,您将使用更多的内存(仅对节点的引用)以换取更快的搜索。 我正在使用事件来动态更新索引。


 using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Reflection; namespace ConsoleApplication1 { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // Create the root node for the tree MyNode rootNode = new MyNode { Code = "abc", Description = "abc node" }; // Instantiate a new tree with the given root node. string is the index key type, "Code" is the index property name var tree = new IndexedTree("Code", rootNode); // Add a child to the root node tree.Root.AddChild(new MyNode { Code = "def", Description = "def node" }); MyNode newNode = new MyNode { Code = "foo", Description = "foo node" }; // Add a child to the first child of root tree.Root.Children[0].AddChild(newNode); // Add a child to the previously added node newNode.AddChild(new MyNode { Code = "bar", Description = "bar node" }); // Show the full tree Console.WriteLine("Root node tree:"); PrintNodeTree(tree.Root, 0); Console.WriteLine(); // Find the second level node MyNode foundNode = tree.FindNode("def"); if (foundNode != null) { // Show the tree starting from the found node Console.WriteLine("Found node tree:"); PrintNodeTree(foundNode, 0); } // Remove the last child foundNode = tree.FindNode("foo"); TreeNodeBase nodeToRemove = foundNode.Children[0]; foundNode.RemoveChild(nodeToRemove); // Add a child to this removed node. The tree index is not updated. nodeToRemove.AddChild(new MyNode { Code = "blah", Description = "blah node" }); Console.ReadLine(); } static void PrintNodeTree(MyNode node, int level) { Console.WriteLine(new String(' ', level * 2) + "[" + node.Code + "] " + node.Description); foreach (MyNode child in node.Children) { // Recurse through each child PrintNodeTree(child, ++level); } } } public class NodeEventArgs : EventArgs { public TreeNodeBase Node { get; private set; } public bool Cancel { get; set; } public NodeEventArgs(TreeNodeBase node) { this.Node = node; } } ///  /// The base node class that handles the hierarchy ///  public abstract class TreeNodeBase { ///  /// A read-only list of children so that you are forced to use the proper methods ///  public ReadOnlyCollection Children { get { return new ReadOnlyCollection(this.children); } } private IList children; ///  /// Default constructor ///  public TreeNodeBase() : this(new List()) { } ///  /// Constructor that populates children ///  /// A list of children public TreeNodeBase(IList children) { if (children == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("children"); } this.children = children; } public event EventHandler ChildAdding; public event EventHandler ChildRemoving; protected virtual void OnChildAdding(NodeEventArgs e) { if (this.ChildAdding != null) { this.ChildAdding(this, e); } } protected virtual void OnChildRemoving(NodeEventArgs e) { if (this.ChildRemoving != null) { this.ChildRemoving(this, e); } } ///  /// Adds a child node to the current node ///  /// The child to add. /// The child node, if it was added. Useful for chaining methods. public TreeNodeBase AddChild(TreeNodeBase child) { NodeEventArgs eventArgs = new NodeEventArgs(child); this.OnChildAdding(eventArgs); if (eventArgs.Cancel) { return null; } this.children.Add(child); return child; } ///  /// Removes the specified child in the current node ///  /// The child to remove. public void RemoveChild(TreeNodeBase child) { NodeEventArgs eventArgs = new NodeEventArgs(child); this.OnChildRemoving(eventArgs); if (eventArgs.Cancel) { return; } this.children.Remove(child); } } ///  /// Your custom node with custom properties. The base node class handles the tree structure. ///  public class MyNode : TreeNodeBase { public string Code { get; set; } public string Description { get; set; } } ///  /// The main tree class ///  /// The node type. /// The type of the index key. public class IndexedTree where TNode : TreeNodeBase, new() { public TNode Root { get; private set; } public Dictionary Index { get; private set; } public string IndexProperty { get; private set; } public IndexedTree(string indexProperty, TNode rootNode) { // Make sure we have a valid indexProperty if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(indexProperty)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("indexProperty"); } Type nodeType = rootNode.GetType(); PropertyInfo property = nodeType.GetProperty(indexProperty); if (property == null) { throw new ArgumentException("The [" + indexProperty + "] property does not exist in [" + nodeType.FullName + "].", "indexProperty"); } // Make sure we have a valid root node if (rootNode == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("rootNode"); } // Set the index properties this.IndexProperty = indexProperty; this.Index = new Dictionary(); // Add the root node this.Root = rootNode; // Notify that we have added the root node this.ChildAdding(this, new NodeEventArgs(Root)); } ///  /// Find a node with the specified key value ///  /// The node key value /// A TNode if found, otherwise null public TNode FindNode(TIndexKey key) { if (Index.ContainsKey(key)) { return (TNode)Index[key]; } return null; } private void ChildAdding(object sender, NodeEventArgs e) { if (e.Node.Children.Count > 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException("You can only add nodes that don't have children"); // Alternatively, you could recursively get the children, set up the added/removed events and add to the index } // Add to the index. Add events as soon as possible to be notified when children change. e.Node.ChildAdding += new EventHandler(ChildAdding); e.Node.ChildRemoving += new EventHandler(ChildRemoving); Index.Add(this.GetNodeIndex(e.Node), e.Node); } private void ChildRemoving(object sender, NodeEventArgs e) { if (e.Node.Children.Count > 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException("You can only remove leaf nodes that don't have children"); // Alternatively, you could recursively get the children, remove the events and remove from the index } // Remove from the index. Remove events in case user code keeps reference to this node and later adds/removes children e.Node.ChildAdding -= new EventHandler(ChildAdding); e.Node.ChildRemoving -= new EventHandler(ChildRemoving); Index.Remove(this.GetNodeIndex(e.Node)); } ///  /// Gets the index key value for the given node ///  /// The node /// The index key value private TIndexKey GetNodeIndex(TreeNodeBase node) { TIndexKey key = (TIndexKey)node.GetType().GetProperty(this.IndexProperty).GetValue(node, null); if (key == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("The node index property [" + this.IndexProperty + "] cannot be null", this.IndexProperty); } return key; } } } 

没有任何基于比较的Code组织,你无法阻止树的O(n)演练。 但是,如果您在读取XML文件以构建节点树的同时构建另一个数据结构(O(1)访问字典或O(log n)访问列表),则可以构建快速访问的附加结构,无需更多开销。


 var dict = new Dictionary(); dict.Add(n.Code, n); 

假设n是一个水合Node对象。 然后获取您可以执行的特定节点项

 var node = dict["CODEKEY"]; 

它将根据提供的密钥返回您的特定节点。 您甚至可以使用以下命令检查节点

 if (d.ContainsKey("CODEKEY")) { //Do something } 


如果您可以更改节点的顺序,则可以创建二进制搜索树 。


我会说实话; 我很难理解Itay的建议是不是很完美。


在给定指定的Code ,我想编写一个返回特定节点的方法。

所以Code是独一无二的,我接受了吗? 然后没有什么能阻止你将所有Node对象放入Dictionary



如果你的意思是你不理解字典将如何知道你的Node 在数据结构中的位置 ,那是因为它不是。 这有关系吗? 您没有在要求中说明您想知道节点在数据结构中的位置; 您只指定要获取节点 。 为了做到这一点,字典只需要知道节点在内存中的位置,而不是一些完全独立的数据结构。

提供一个简化的例子(如果我在这里侮辱你的情报,我很抱歉,但是因为这可能至少澄清了其他人的观点),假设你有一个包含所有唯一整数的普通LinkedList 。 然后,您枚举此列表并使用它来构造Dictionary> ,这个想法是您希望能够根据其值快速查找节点。

字典是否需要知道每个节点在链表中的位置? 当然不仅仅是它在记忆中的位置。 一旦您使用字典在O(1)中找到了基于其值的节点,您当然可以使用节点本身轻松地向前或向后遍历链表,这恰好意识到(按设计)链表包含它。

它与您的层次结构相同,只比链表更复杂。 但同样的原则也适用。

为什么不使用SortedSet 来构建包含所有Node实例的BST? 比较器将基于Code – 容器必须具有范围,以使其在所有成员中是唯一的。