
我正在导入一些包含多个string字段的记录,从旧数据库到新数据库。 它看起来很慢,我怀疑是因为我这样做:

 foreach (var oldObj in oldDB) { NewObject newObj = new NewObject(); newObj.Name = oldObj.Name.Trim().Replace('^', 'Č').Replace('@', 'Ž').Replace('[', 'Š') .Replace(']', 'Ć').Replace('`', 'ž').Replace('}', 'ć') .Replace('~', 'č').Replace('{', 'š').Replace('\\', 'Đ'); newObj.Surname = oldObj.Surname.Trim().Replace('^', 'Č').Replace('@', 'Ž').Replace('[', 'Š') .Replace(']', 'Ć').Replace('`', 'ž').Replace('}', 'ć') .Replace('~', 'č').Replace('{', 'š').Replace('\\', 'Đ'); newObj.Address = oldObj.Address.Trim().Replace('^', 'Č').Replace('@', 'Ž').Replace('[', 'Š') .Replace(']', 'Ć').Replace('`', 'ž').Replace('}', 'ć') .Replace('~', 'č').Replace('{', 'š').Replace('\\', 'Đ'); newObj.Note = oldObj.Note.Trim().Replace('^', 'Č').Replace('@', 'Ž').Replace('[', 'Š') .Replace(']', 'Ć').Replace('`', 'ž').Replace('}', 'ć') .Replace('~', 'č').Replace('{', 'š').Replace('\\', 'Đ'); /* ... some processing ... */ } 

现在,我已经通过网络阅读了一些post和文章,我已经看到了很多不同的想法。 有人说如果我使用MatchEvaluator进行正则表达式会更好,有人说最好保留原样。




我在这里发布了基准。 乍一看,理查德的方式可能是最快的。 然而,他的方式,也不是马克的,因为错误的正则表达式模式会做任何事情。 修正后的图案




感谢您的投入。 我写了一个快速而肮脏的基准来测试你的输入。 我已经测试了解析4个字符串,500,000次迭代并完成了4次传递。 结果如下:

 AndréChristofferAndersen(Lambda w / Aggregate)方式在2551 ms完成
理查德(Regex w / MatchEvaluator)方式在215毫秒内完成
 Marc Gravell(Static Regex)方式在1008毫秒内完成

 AndréChristofferAndersen(Lambda w / Aggregate)方式在2515毫秒内完成
理查德(Regex w / MatchEvaluator)方式在217毫秒内完成
 Marc Gravell(Static Regex)方式在1025毫秒内完成

 AndréChristofferAndersen(Lambda w / Aggregate)方式在2529毫秒完成
理查德(Regex w / MatchEvaluator)方式在214毫秒内完成
 Marc Gravell(Static Regex)方式在1022毫秒内完成

 AndréChristofferAndersen(Lambda w / Aggregate)方式在2592毫秒完成
理查德(Regex w / MatchEvaluator)方式在225毫秒内完成
 Marc Gravell(Static Regex)方式在1050毫秒内完成

该基准的代码如下。 请查看代码并确认@Richard有最快的方法。 请注意,我没有检查输出是否正确,我认为它们是。

 using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; namespace StringReplaceTest { class Program { static string test1 = "A^@[BCD"; static string test2 = "E]FGH\\"; static string test3 = "ijk`l}m"; static string test4 = "nopq~{r"; static readonly Dictionary repl = new Dictionary { {'^', "Č"}, {'@', "Ž"}, {'[', "Š"}, {']', "Ć"}, {'`', "ž"}, {'}', "ć"}, {'~', "č"}, {'{', "š"}, {'\\', "Đ"} }; static readonly Regex replaceRegex; static Program() // static initializer { StringBuilder pattern = new StringBuilder().Append('['); foreach (var key in repl.Keys) pattern.Append(Regex.Escape(key.ToString())); pattern.Append(']'); replaceRegex = new Regex(pattern.ToString(), RegexOptions.Compiled); } public static string Sanitize(string input) { return replaceRegex.Replace(input, match => { return repl[match.Value[0]]; }); } static string DoGeneralReplace(string input) { var sb = new StringBuilder(input); return sb.Replace('^', 'Č').Replace('@', 'Ž').Replace('[', 'Š').Replace(']', 'Ć').Replace('`', 'ž').Replace('}', 'ć').Replace('~', 'č').Replace('{', 'š').Replace('\\', 'Đ').ToString(); } //Method for replacing chars with a mapping static string Replace(string input, IDictionary replacementMap) { return replacementMap.Keys .Aggregate(input, (current, oldChar) => current.Replace(oldChar, replacementMap[oldChar])); } static void Main(string[] args) { for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++) DoIt(i); } static void DoIt(int n) { Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); int idx = 0; Console.WriteLine("*** Pass " + n.ToString()); // old way sw.Start(); for (idx = 0; idx < 500000; idx++) { string result1 = test1.Replace('^', 'Č').Replace('@', 'Ž').Replace('[', 'Š').Replace(']', 'Ć').Replace('`', 'ž').Replace('}', 'ć').Replace('~', 'č').Replace('{', 'š').Replace('\\', 'Đ'); string result2 = test2.Replace('^', 'Č').Replace('@', 'Ž').Replace('[', 'Š').Replace(']', 'Ć').Replace('`', 'ž').Replace('}', 'ć').Replace('~', 'č').Replace('{', 'š').Replace('\\', 'Đ'); string result3 = test3.Replace('^', 'Č').Replace('@', 'Ž').Replace('[', 'Š').Replace(']', 'Ć').Replace('`', 'ž').Replace('}', 'ć').Replace('~', 'č').Replace('{', 'š').Replace('\\', 'Đ'); string result4 = test4.Replace('^', 'Č').Replace('@', 'Ž').Replace('[', 'Š').Replace(']', 'Ć').Replace('`', 'ž').Replace('}', 'ć').Replace('~', 'č').Replace('{', 'š').Replace('\\', 'Đ'); } sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Old (Chained String.Replace()) way completed in " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString() + " ms"); Dictionary replacements = new Dictionary(); replacements.Add('^', 'Č'); replacements.Add('@', 'Ž'); replacements.Add('[', 'Š'); replacements.Add(']', 'Ć'); replacements.Add('`', 'ž'); replacements.Add('}', 'ć'); replacements.Add('~', 'č'); replacements.Add('{', 'š'); replacements.Add('\\', 'Đ'); // logicnp way sw.Reset(); sw.Start(); for (idx = 0; idx < 500000; idx++) { char[] charArray1 = test1.ToCharArray(); for (int i = 0; i < charArray1.Length; i++) { char newChar; if (replacements.TryGetValue(test1[i], out newChar)) charArray1[i] = newChar; } string result1 = new string(charArray1); char[] charArray2 = test2.ToCharArray(); for (int i = 0; i < charArray2.Length; i++) { char newChar; if (replacements.TryGetValue(test2[i], out newChar)) charArray2[i] = newChar; } string result2 = new string(charArray2); char[] charArray3 = test3.ToCharArray(); for (int i = 0; i < charArray3.Length; i++) { char newChar; if (replacements.TryGetValue(test3[i], out newChar)) charArray3[i] = newChar; } string result3 = new string(charArray3); char[] charArray4 = test4.ToCharArray(); for (int i = 0; i < charArray4.Length; i++) { char newChar; if (replacements.TryGetValue(test4[i], out newChar)) charArray4[i] = newChar; } string result4 = new string(charArray4); } sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("logicnp (ToCharArray) way completed in " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString() + " ms"); // oleksii way sw.Reset(); sw.Start(); for (idx = 0; idx < 500000; idx++) { string result1 = DoGeneralReplace(test1); string result2 = DoGeneralReplace(test2); string result3 = DoGeneralReplace(test3); string result4 = DoGeneralReplace(test4); } sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("oleksii (StringBuilder) way completed in " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString() + " ms"); // André Christoffer Andersen way sw.Reset(); sw.Start(); for (idx = 0; idx < 500000; idx++) { string result1 = Replace(test1, replacements); string result2 = Replace(test2, replacements); string result3 = Replace(test3, replacements); string result4 = Replace(test4, replacements); } sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("André Christoffer Andersen (Lambda w/ Aggregate) way completed in " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString() + " ms"); // Richard way sw.Reset(); sw.Start(); Regex reg = new Regex(@"\^|@|\[|\]|`|\}|~|\{|\\"); MatchEvaluator eval = match => { switch (match.Value) { case "^": return "Č"; case "@": return "Ž"; case "[": return "Š"; case "]": return "Ć"; case "`": return "ž"; case "}": return "ć"; case "~": return "č"; case "{": return "š"; case "\\": return "Đ"; default: throw new Exception("Unexpected match!"); } }; for (idx = 0; idx < 500000; idx++) { string result1 = reg.Replace(test1, eval); string result2 = reg.Replace(test2, eval); string result3 = reg.Replace(test3, eval); string result4 = reg.Replace(test4, eval); } sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Richard (Regex w/ MatchEvaluator) way completed in " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString() + " ms"); // Marc Gravell way sw.Reset(); sw.Start(); for (idx = 0; idx < 500000; idx++) { string result1 = Sanitize(test1); string result2 = Sanitize(test2); string result3 = Sanitize(test3); string result4 = Sanitize(test4); } sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Marc Gravell (Static Regex) way completed in " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString() + " ms\n"); } } } 


唯一的方法是自己比较性能。 尝试在Q中,使用StringBuilderRegex.Replace

但微基准测试不考虑整个系统的范围。 如果这种方法只是整个系统的一小部分,那么它的性能可能与整个应用程序的性能无关。


  1. 使用如上所述的String (我假设)将创建许多中间字符串:更多的GC工作。 但这很简单。
  2. 使用StringBuilder允许每次替换修改相同的基础数据。 这会减少垃圾。 它几乎和使用String一样简单。
  3. 使用regex是最复杂的(因为您需要使用代码来计算替换),但允许使用单个表达式。 我希望这个更慢,除非替换列表非常大并且输入字符串中的替换很少(即大多数替换方法调用都不会替换任何东西,只需要通过字符串搜索成本)。



 newObj.Name = Regex.Replace(oldObj.Name.Trim(), @"[@^\[\]`}~{\\]", match => { switch (match.Value) { case "^": return "Č"; case "@": return "Ž"; case "[": return "Š"; case "]": return "Ć"; case "`": return "ž"; case "}": return "ć"; case "~": return "č"; case "{": return "š"; case "\\": return "Đ"; default: throw new Exception("Unexpected match!"); } }); 



 Dictionary replacements = new Dictionary(); // populate replacements string str = "mystring"; char []charArray = str.ToCharArray(); for (int i = 0; i < charArray.Length; i++) { char newChar; if (replacements.TryGetValue(str[i], out newChar)) charArray[i] = newChar; } string newStr = new string(charArray); 



 public string DoGeneralReplace(string input) { var sb = new StringBuilder(input); sb.Replace("^", "Č") .Replace("@", "Ž") ...; } //usage foreach (var oldObj in oldDB) { NewObject newObj = new NewObject(); newObj.Name = DoGeneralReplace(oldObj.Name); ... } 


  //Method for replacing chars with a mapping static string Replace(string input, IDictionary replacementMap) { return replacementMap.Keys .Aggregate(input, (current, oldChar) => current.Replace(oldChar, replacementMap[oldChar])); } 


  private static void Main(string[] args) { //Char to char map using  var charMap = new Dictionary(); charMap.Add('-', 'D'); charMap.Add('|', 'P'); charMap.Add('@', 'A'); //Your input string string myString = "asgjk--@dfsg||jshd--f@jgsld-kj|rhgunfh-@-nsdflngs"; //Your own replacement method myString = Replace(myString, charMap); //out: myString = "asgjkDDAdfsgPPjshdDDfAjgsldDkjPrhgunfhDADnsdflngs" } 


  static readonly Dictionary replacements = new Dictionary { {']',"Ć"}, {'~', "č"} // etc }; static readonly Regex replaceRegex; static YourUtilityType() // static initializer { StringBuilder pattern = new StringBuilder().Append('['); foreach(var key in replacements.Keys) pattern.Append(Regex.Escape(key.ToString())); pattern.Append(']'); replaceRegex = new Regex(pattern.ToString(), RegexOptions.Compiled); } public static string Sanitize(string input) { return replaceRegex.Replace(input, match => { return replacements[match.Value[0]]; }); } 

这有一个地方可以维护(在顶部),并构建一个预编译的Regex来处理替换。 所有开销只进行一次(因此是static )。


 protected String ReplaceChars(String sIn) { int replChar = sIn.IndexOfAny(badChars); if (replChar < 0) return sIn; // Don't even bother making a copy unless you know you have something to swap StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(sIn, 0, replChar, sIn.Length + 10); while (replChar >= 0 && replChar < sIn.Length) { char? c = sIn[replChar]; string s = null; // This approach lets you swap a char for a string or to remove some // If you had a straight char for char swap, you could just have your repl chars in an array with the same ordinals and do it all in 2 lines matching the ordinals. switch (c) { case "^": c = "Č"; ... case '\ufeff': c = null; break; } if (s != null) sb.Append(s); else if (c != null) sb.Append(c); replChar++; // skip over what we just replaced if (replChar < sIn.Length) { int nextRepChar = sIn.IndexOfAny(badChars, replChar); sb.Append(sIn, replChar, (nextRepChar > 0 ? nextRepChar : sIn.Length) - replChar); replChar = nextRepChar; } } return sb.ToString(); }