
我正在尝试生成一个简单的PDF文档,可以从asp.net网页下载。 此pdf文档具有带标题文本的段落,其余内容已通过预填充的DataTable实例填充。 我试图在这里打印的所有列都是文本,除了一列是图像(缩略图)。


问题: 用户可以在浏览器中查看下载的pdf(仅通过IE和Chrome测试),并可以查看pdf中的所有内容,包括缩略图。 但是,当将生成的pdf保存到本地驱动器并打开它时,所有pdf页面都是空白的。



private void Download() { var document = new Document(); try { var dataTable = GetDataTable(parameters); //this line create and fill a DataTable with some values Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"; Response.AddHeader("content-disposition","attachment;filename=sample.pdf"); Response.Cache.SetCacheability(HttpCacheability.NoCache); PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, Response.OutputStream);//get a pdf writer instance document.Open(); //Create table var pdfTable = DocumentManager.CreateTable(dataTable.Columns.Count, new[] { 30f, 130f, 130f, 80f, 60f, 80f, 60f, 80f, 60f, 60f, 80f, 80f, 60f }); //Create a simple heading var heading = new StringBuilder(); heading.AppendLine("Summary"); var contentFont = DocumentManager.GetFont(5); var genHeadingFont = DocumentManager.GetFont(6, true); var image = iTextSharp.text.Image.GetInstance(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("/images/some.png")); image.WidthPercentage = 25; image.Alignment = iTextSharp.text.Image.ALIGN_RIGHT; document.Add(image); document.Add(new Paragraph(heading.ToString(), contentFont)); //Create column heading DocumentManager.CreateColums(pdfTable, dataTable, genHeadingFont); //Create cells and fill with values DocumentManager.CreateCellAndFillValue(pdfTable, dataTable.Select(), contentFont, new[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 }); document.Add(pdfTable); Response.Write(document); document.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { } } 


 public static PdfPTable CreateTable(int columnSpan, float[] columnWidths) { var table = new PdfPTable(columnSpan); table.SetWidths(columnWidths); table.TotalWidth = 1000f; table.WidthPercentage = 100; return table; } public static Font GetFont(int size, bool isBold = false) { return FontFactory.GetFont("Calibri", size, isBold ? Font.BOLD : Font.NORMAL); } public static void CreateColums(PdfPTable pdfTable, DataTable dataColumns, Font columnsFont, List columnsToExclude = null, BaseColor backGround = null) { columnsToExclude = columnsToExclude ?? new List(); foreach ( var c in from DataColumn c in dataColumns.Columns where !columnsToExclude.Contains(c.ColumnName) select c) { var cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(c.ColumnName, columnsFont)) { BackgroundColor = backGround ?? new BaseColor(164, 183, 210), HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE }; cell.PaddingBottom = 3f; cell.PaddingTop = 3f; cell.PaddingLeft = 3f; cell.PaddingRight = 3f; pdfTable.AddCell(cell); } } public static void CreateCellAndFillValue(PdfPTable table, DataRow[] dataRows, Font cellFont, int[] columnIndex = null, string[] columnNames = null) { if (columnIndex != null && columnIndex.Length != 0) { CreateCellValueUsingIndex(table, dataRows, cellFont, columnIndex); return; } if (columnNames != null && columnNames.Length != 0) { CreateCellValueUsingColumnName(table, dataRows, cellFont, columnNames); } } public static void CreateCellValueUsingIndex(PdfPTable table, IEnumerable dataRows, Font cellFont, int[] columnIndex) { foreach (var r in dataRows) { foreach (var index in columnIndex) { if (index != 1) //value columns { var cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(r[index].ToString(), cellFont)); cell.PaddingBottom = 2f; cell.PaddingTop = 2f; cell.PaddingLeft = 2f; cell.PaddingRight = 2f; cell.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; table.AddCell(cell); } else //image columns { iTextSharp.text.Image image = iTextSharp.text.Image.GetInstance(r[index].ToString()); image.Alignment = iTextSharp.text.Image.ALIGN_CENTER; PdfPCell imgCell = new PdfPCell(); imgCell.AddElement(new Chunk(image, 0, 0)); table.AddCell(imgCell); } } } } public static void CreateCellValueUsingColumnName(PdfPTable table, IEnumerable dataRows, Font cellFont, string[] columnNames) { foreach (var r in dataRows) { foreach (var name in columnNames) { table.AddCell(new Phrase(r[name].ToString(), cellFont)); } } } 

ItextSharp Dll版本信息

你混合了所有东西,所以它可能会有点混乱。 将你想做的事分开到自己的function中。


 private void CreatePdf(Stream output) { var document = new Document(); try { var dataTable = GetDataTable(parameters); //this line create and fill a DataTable with some values //get a pdf writer instance PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, output); //open the document document.Open(); //Create table var pdfTable = DocumentManager.CreateTable(dataTable.Columns.Count, new[] { 30f, 130f, 130f, 80f, 60f, 80f, 60f, 80f, 60f, 60f, 80f, 80f, 60f }); //Create a simple heading var heading = new StringBuilder(); heading.AppendLine("Summary"); var contentFont = DocumentManager.GetFont(5); var genHeadingFont = DocumentManager.GetFont(6, true); var image = iTextSharp.text.Image.GetInstance(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("/images/some.png")); image.WidthPercentage = 25; image.Alignment = iTextSharp.text.Image.ALIGN_RIGHT; document.Add(image); document.Add(new Paragraph(heading.ToString(), contentFont)); //Create column heading DocumentManager.CreateColums(pdfTable, dataTable, genHeadingFont); //Create cells and fill with values DocumentManager.CreateCellAndFillValue(pdfTable, dataTable.Select(), contentFont, new[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 }); document.Add(pdfTable); // make sure any data in the buffer is written to the output stream writer.Flush(); } finally { document.Close(); } } 


 private void Download() { Response.ContentType = "application/pdf;"; Response.AddHeader("content-disposition","attachment;filename=sample.pdf"); Response.Cache.SetCacheability(HttpCacheability.NoCache); // stream to store generated document var output = new MemoryStream(); // generate document CreatePdf(output); // pass the generated data to the response output stream Response.OutputStream.Write(output.GetBuffer(), 0, output.Length); } 

通过将责任分开,您将发现您的错误在原始post中的位置。 在发送响应之前,文档已完全刷新并关闭。 当您尝试保存文档时,它应该允许它具有保存完整文档所需的所有数据。