
我正在编写一个将上传大量文件的实用程序,并希望提供限速上传的选项。 使用TcpClient类时,限速上传的最佳方法是什么? 我的第一个本能是一次调用具有有限字节数的NetworkStream.Write(),在调用之间hibernate(如果尚未写入流,则跳过调用),直到缓冲区被上传。 有没有人之前实现过这样的东西?


const int OneSecond = 1000; int SpeedLimit = 1024; // Speed limit 1kib/s int Transmitted = 0; Stopwatch Watch = new Stopwatch(); Watch.Start(); while(...) { // Your send logic, which return BytesTransmitted Transmitted += BytesTransmitted; // Check moment speed every five second, you can choose any value int Elapsed = (int)Watch.ElapsedMilliseconds; if (Elapsed > 5000) { int ExpectedTransmit = SpeedLimit * Elapsed / OneSecond; int TransmitDelta = Transmitted - ExpectedTransmit; // Speed limit exceeded, put thread into sleep if (TransmitDelta > 0) Thread.Wait(TransmitDelta * OneSecond / SpeedLimit); Transmitted = 0; Watch.Reset(); } } Watch.Stop(); 





如果我们使用“仲裁器”发布的解决方案,我们会发现线程会发送大量数据,然后它会睡眠很长时间,因为通常速度限制超过每秒32到200 kb,而使用标准pc,线程可以管理每秒10到100 MB。

我在项目中使用了下一个解决方案。 请注意,这只是一段代码,您必须修改它以适应您自己的代码。 它是用Visual Basic编写的。 顺便说一句,抱歉我的英文…

  Dim SpeedLimit As Long = User.DownloadKbSpeedLimit * 1024, Elapsed As Long = 0 'Try to adjust buffersize to the operating system. 'Seem to be stupid, but the test shows it goes better this way. If Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem Then stream.BufferSize = 64 * 1024 Else stream.BufferSize = 32 * 1024 End If 'If buffersize is bigger than speedlimite, cut the buffersize to avoid send too much data If SpeedLimit > 0 AndAlso e.BufferSize > SpeedLimit Then e.BufferSize = SpeedLimit 'Create Byte array to send data Dim Buffer(e.BufferSize) As Byte 'Create Watch to control the speed Dim Transmitted As Integer = 0, Watch As New Stopwatch() Watch.Start() 'Start sending data While True 'This enables the program to control another events or threads System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10) Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents() 'Recover data and write into the stream If SpeedLimit = 0 OrElse Transmitted < SpeedLimit Then Dim Readed As Integer = SomeFileStream.Read(Buffer, 0, Buffer.Length) If Readed 0 Then Exit While Stream.Write(Buffer, Readed) Transmitted += Readed End If If Watch.ElapsedMilliseconds > OneSecond Then Transmitted = 0 Watch.Restart() End If End While Watch.Stop() Stream.Close() : Stream.Dispose() 

希望这可以帮助任何人。 再见。


  'Throttle network Mbps... bandwidthUsedThisSecond = session.bytesSentThisSecond + session.bytesRecievedThisSecond If bandwidthTimer.AddMilliseconds(50) > Now And bandwidthUsedThisSecond >= (Mbps / 20) Then While bandwidthTimer.AddMilliseconds(50) > Now Thread.Sleep(1) End While End If If bandwidthTimer.AddMilliseconds(50) <= Now Then bandwidthTimer = Now session.bytesRecievedThisSecond = 0 session.bytesSentThisSecond = 0 bandwidthUsedThisSecond = 0 End If 

