如何转换我的分页function以使用AJAX Insead?

我目前使用PagedList库(https://github.com/TroyGoode/PagedList)在我的MVC 3项目中进行分页。

我想转换此代码以使用带有新结果的ajax更新页面,而不是刷新整个页面。 我真的不确定如何去做。 我是来自Webforms的MVC的新手。 任何帮助将不胜感激!



//##################################### // ActionResult = Retrieve Comments //##################################### [ChildActionOnly] public ActionResult _Comments(int ProductID, int? Page) { //Perform the Database Query. try { //SQL Query - Get * records var Model = from r in DB.Comments where r.ProductID == ProductID select r; //Page number passed in via url. Default to 1 if not specified. var PageNumber = Page ?? 1; //Grab 6 results from the result set. var Results = Model.ToPagedList(PageNumber, 6); //Store Paged Result set in ViewBag for Paging. ViewBag.Results = Results; //Store in ViewBag for display (Page 1 of 43) ViewBag.PageNumber = PageNumber; //Get Total Pages: Divide Total Records by 6 Records per page. ViewBag.PageCount = Model.Count() / 6 + 1; //Return Records to my view. return PartialView(Results); } //There was an error. catch { //ViewBag.ErrorMessage = ex; return PartialView("Error"); } } 


 @model IEnumerable @using PagedList.Mvc; @using PagedList; @{ //No Comments Yet if (@Model.Count() == 0) { 
Be the first to comment on this product!
} //There are comments! else { foreach (var item in Model) { //html for writing out the comments... } } }
Page @ViewBag.PageNumber of @ViewBag.PageCount
@Html.PagedListPager((IPagedList)ViewBag.Results, Page => Url.Action("Index", new { Page = Page }), new PagedListRenderOptions { LinkToPreviousPageFormat = "", LinkToLastPageFormat = "Última >>" })


 namespace DH.Models { public class Comment { public int CommentID { get; set; } public int ProductID { get; set; } public string Author { get; set; } public string Message { get; set; } public DateTime MessageDate { get; set; } public int ThumbsUp { get; set; } public int ThumbsDown { get; set; } public string IP { get; set; } } } 

我是PagedList nuget包的创建者。

在项目的git repo中有一个做Ajax分页(以及无限滚动)的例子:


控制器: https //github.com/TroyGoode/PagedList/blob/master/src/PagedList.Mvc4.Example/Controllers/AjaxController.cs

查看: https //github.com/TroyGoode/PagedList/blob/master/src/PagedList.Mvc4.Example/Views/Ajax/Index.cshtml




我很抱歉Troy的例子非常繁琐,不能基于简单的html助手。我采用了以下问题的接受答案,并且效果很好: 在局部视图中使用分页,asp.net mvc