
所以有点奇怪的问题我无法提出搜索条件。 如果我的程序中有多行字符串文字,那么无论如何都要保持代码缩进的一致性,而不会在字符串文字中添加不需要的空格?


if (true) { if (!false) { //Some indented code; stringLiteral = string.format( @"This is a really long string literal I don't want it to have whitespace at the beginning of each line, so I have to break the indentation of my program I also have vars here {0} {1} {2}", var1, var2, var3); } } 



 public static class MyStringResources { public static readonly string StringLiteral = @"This {0} a really long string literal I don't want {1} to have {2} at the beginning of each line, so I have to break the indentation of my program"; } 


 stringLiteral = String.Format(MyStringResources.StringLiteral, var1, var2, var3); 


 public static class MyStringLiteralBuilder { private static readonly string StringLiteral = @"This {0} a really long string literal I don't want {1} to have {2} at the beginning of each line, so I have to break the indentation of my program"; public static string Build(object var1, object var2, object var3) { return String.Format(MyStringResources.StringLiteral, var1, var2, var3); } } 


 stringLiteral = MyStringLiteralBuilder.Build(var1, var2, var3); stringLiteral = MyStringLiteralBuilder.Build(var1, var2); //compiler error! 

当然,在这一点上,你可以用这些构建器做任何你想做的事情。 为程序中的每个特殊大“stringLiteral”创建一个新的构建器。 也许不是让它们static ,而是可以获得/设置关键属性的实例,那么你也可以给它们好名字:

 public class InfoCardSummary { public string Name { get; set; } public double Age { get; set; } public string Occupation { get; set; } private static readonly string FormattingString = @"This person named {0} is a pretty sweet programmer. Even though they're only {1}, Acme company is thinking of hiring them as a {2}."; public string Output() { return String.Format(FormattingString, Name, Age, Occupation); } } var info = new InfoCardSummary { Name = "Kevin DiTraglia", Age = 900, Occupation = "Professional Kite Flier" }; output = info.Output(); 

在另一个文件中定义字符串常量,并在代码中使用该标识符。 如果您需要翻译,审查合规性等,最好将所有字符串放在一个地方。

 if (true) { if (!false) { //Some indented code; stringLiteral = string.format( "This is a really long string literal. " + "I don't want it to have whitespace at " + "the beginning of each line, so I have " + "to break the indentation of my program " + "I also have vars here: " + "{0} " + "{1} " + "{2}", var1, var2, var3); // OR, with lineskips: stringLiteral = string.format( "This is a really long string literal\r\n" + "I don't want it to have whitespace at \r\n" + "the beginning of each line, so I have\r\n" + "to break the indentation of my program\r\n" "I also have vars here\r\n" + "{0}\r\n" + "{1}\r\n" + "{2}\r\n", var1, var2, var3); } } 



  • here-doc / at-string( @"..." ),可以跨越源文件行,或者
  • ordindary字符串文字( "..." ),可能不是。


  1. 将您的字符串放入资源文件中。 这使得本地化更容易。

  2. 将它们作为嵌入(文件)资源添加到程序集中:


 static readonly string MultilineLiteral = string.Join( Environment.NewLine , new string[]{ @"line 1" , "line 2" , @"line 3" , . . . "line n" , }) ; 

当组合@逐字符串和更新的$ string插值时,您可以应用以下技巧:在{和}内,它是一个表达式(因此代码)而不是字符串数据。 将你的换行符和缩进放在那里,它不会显示在格式化的字符串中。 如果您的文本不包含表达式,则必须使用空表达式。 我试过{}但不幸的是这不起作用:表达式预期错误。 作为最小使用{nl},将空字符串分配给nl。 换行符nl,或{换行}或类似的东西。

 using System; namespace ConsoleApplication6 { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { int count = 123; string nl = string.Empty; Console.WriteLine($@"Abc {count} def {count } ghi { count} jkl{nl } mno"); Console.ReadLine(); } } } 


Abc 123 def 123 ghi 123 jkl mno


 class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { var code = $@" public static loremIpsum(): lorem {{ return {{ lorem: function() {{ return 'foo' }}, ipsum: function() {{ return 'bar' }}, dolor: function() {{ return 'buzz' }} }} }}".AutoTrim(); Console.WriteLine(code); } } static class Extensions { public static string AutoTrim(this string code) { string newline = Environment.NewLine; var trimLen = code .Split(newline) .Skip(1) .Min(s => s.Length - s.TrimStart().Length); return string.Join(newline, code .Split(newline) .Select(line => line.Substring(Math.Min(line.Length, trimLen)))); } } 


另一个“解决方案”是将每个这样的字符串包装在#region中并折叠它。 这并没有真正解决问题,但至少它使代码不那么引人注目。


有时我把整个东西放在一行上用\n (或者用于dos / windows的\r\n )。


其他时候,我把文本放在别处 – 我认为在c#中你有#define,甚至在一个单独的文件或数据库中,这取决于所讨论的字符串。 你仍然需要替换变量 – 在c#中我认为你使用string.Format?
