

class Program { public static void Main() { Int32[ ]numbers = {1,2,3,4,5}; using (var enumerator = Data().GetEnumerator()) { } } public static IEnumerable Data() { yield return "Something"; } } 


 Int32[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }; using (var enumerator = numbers.GetEnumerator()) { } 

因编译器错误而失败。 显然, yield return返回的类是IDisposable而常规数组枚举器则不是。 所以现在我很好奇: yield return到底创造了什么?

IEnumerator实现了IDisposable ,您可以在对象浏览器或MSDN中看到。


基类Array类实现IEnumerable但不实现IEnumerable 。 (因为Array不是通用的)
具体的数组类型确实实现了IEnumerable ,但是它们实现了GetEnumerator() (我不知道为什么)。


这个类的源代码(在Array.cs )有以下注释,部分解释了这一点(记住,对generics数组的所有支持都可以追溯到IEnumerable不相反的时候)

 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ! READ THIS BEFORE YOU WORK ON THIS CLASS. // // The methods on this class must be written VERY carefully to avoid introducing security holes. // That's because they are invoked with special "this"! The "this" object // for all of these methods are not SZArrayHelper objects. Rather, they are of type U[] // where U[] is castable to T[]. No actual SZArrayHelper object is ever instantiated. Thus, you will // see a lot of expressions that cast "this" "T[]". // // This class is needed to allow an SZ array of type T[] to expose IList, // IList, etc., etc. all the way up to IList. When the following call is // made: // // ((IList) (new U[n])).SomeIListMethod() // // the interface stub dispatcher treats this as a special case, loads up SZArrayHelper, // finds the corresponding generic method (matched simply by method name), instantiates // it for type  and executes it. // // The "T" will reflect the interface used to invoke the method. The actual runtime "this" will be // array that is castable to "T[]" (ie for primitivs and valuetypes, it will be exactly // "T[]" - for orefs, it may be a "U[]" where U derives from T.) //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------