

我是winforms的新手。在我的代码中,我正在使用for循环更新进度条,现在我需要以循环计数的forms更新Label,如下所示 –

public partial class Form1:Form {public Form1(){InitializeComponent();

Shown += new EventHandler(Form1_Shown); // To report progress from the background worker we need to set this property backgroundWorker1.WorkerReportsProgress = true; // This event will be raised on the worker thread when the worker starts backgroundWorker1.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(backgroundWorker1_DoWork); // This event will be raised when we call ReportProgress backgroundWorker1.ProgressChanged += new ProgressChangedEventHandler(backgroundWorker1_ProgressChanged); } private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { } void Form1_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Start the background worker backgroundWorker1.RunWorkerAsync(); } // On worker thread so do our thing! void backgroundWorker1_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { // Your background task goes here for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++) { label1.Text = "Trade" + i; // Report progress to 'UI' thread backgroundWorker1.ReportProgress(i); // Simulate long task System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); } } // Back on the 'UI' thread so we can update the progress bar void backgroundWorker1_ProgressChanged(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e) { // The progress percentage is a property of e progressBar1.Value = e.ProgressPercentage; } } 

但是在访问label1时,它会抛出错误 –




 // On worker thread so do our thing! void backgroundWorker1_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { // Your background task goes here for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++) { // Report progress to 'UI' thread backgroundWorker1.ReportProgress(i); // Simulate long task System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); } } // Back on the 'UI' thread so we can update the progress bar - and our label :) void backgroundWorker1_ProgressChanged(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e) { // The progress percentage is a property of e progressBar1.Value = e.ProgressPercentage; label1.Text = String.Format("Trade{0}",e.ProgressPercentage); } 

您只能从创建它的线程(即UI线程)访问该控件。 在其他线程(如BackgroundWorker)中,您需要使用Control.BeginInvoke 。

 label1.BeginInvoke(delegate { label1.Text = "Trade" + i; }); 



 label1.Text = "Trade" + i; 
