
有人知道如何在RichEditBox中保持所选文本的视觉选择状态吗? 我想在我的Windows 8.1应用程序中添加一些基本的文本编辑,但每次我选择一个文本并单击应用程序中的另一个UI元素时,RichEditBox会隐藏选择。



richEdit.Document.Selection.GetRect(PointOptions.ClientCoordinates,out selectionRect, out hitCount ); 

只要选择一行中的某些文本,这就可以工作。 如果选择是多行的,我只获得所选文本的左上角和右下角。 看起来这些是鼠标位置,其中选择从哪里开始,在哪里结束。


我发现了另一种解决方法。 只需在RichEditBox未聚焦时设置选择背景。 但是Jerry’s Post给了我这个解决方案的灵感。 看起来像这样简单地找到它是第一位的:

 private void RichEditOnGotFocus(object sender, RoutedEventArgs routedEventArgs) { ITextSelection selectedText = richEdit.Document.Selection; if (selectedText != null) { richEdit.Document.Selection.SetRange(_selectionStart, _selectionEnd); selectedText.CharacterFormat.BackgroundColor = Colors.White; } } private void RichEditOnLostFocus(object sender, RoutedEventArgs routedEventArgs) { _selectionEnd = richEdit.Document.Selection.EndPosition; _selectionStart = richEdit.Document.Selection.StartPosition; ITextSelection selectedText = richEdit.Document.Selection; if (selectedText != null) { selectedText.CharacterFormat.BackgroundColor = Colors.Gray; } } 

在WinRT Toolkit中,有一个HighlightBehavior不能直接解决您的问题,但可能会为您提供可接受的解决方案。


 public class HighlightBehavior : Behavior { #region SearchString ///  /// SearchString Dependency Property ///  public static readonly DependencyProperty SearchStringProperty = DependencyProperty.Register( "SearchString", typeof(string), typeof(HighlightBehavior), new PropertyMetadata(null, OnSearchStringChanged)); ///  /// Gets or sets the SearchString property. This dependency property /// indicates the search string to highlight in the associated TextBlock. ///  public string SearchString { get { return (string)GetValue(SearchStringProperty); } set { SetValue(SearchStringProperty, value); } } ///  /// Handles changes to the SearchString property. ///  ///  /// The  on which /// the property has changed value. ///  ///  /// Event data that is issued by any event that /// tracks changes to the effective value of this property. ///  private static void OnSearchStringChanged( DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) { var target = (HighlightBehavior)d; string oldSearchString = (string)e.OldValue; string newSearchString = target.SearchString; target.OnSearchStringChanged(oldSearchString, newSearchString); } ///  /// Provides derived classes an opportunity to handle changes /// to the SearchString property. ///  /// The old SearchString value /// The new SearchString value private void OnSearchStringChanged( string oldSearchString, string newSearchString) { UpdateHighlight(); } #endregion #region IsCaseSensitive ///  /// IsCaseSensitive Dependency Property ///  public static readonly DependencyProperty IsCaseSensitiveProperty = DependencyProperty.Register( "IsCaseSensitive", typeof(bool), typeof(HighlightBehavior), new PropertyMetadata(false, OnIsCaseSensitiveChanged)); ///  /// Gets or sets the IsCaseSensitive property. This dependency property /// indicates whether the highlight behavior is case sensitive. ///  public bool IsCaseSensitive { get { return (bool)GetValue(IsCaseSensitiveProperty); } set { SetValue(IsCaseSensitiveProperty, value); } } ///  /// Handles changes to the IsCaseSensitive property. ///  ///  /// The  on which /// the property has changed value. ///  ///  /// Event data that is issued by any event that /// tracks changes to the effective value of this property. ///  private static void OnIsCaseSensitiveChanged( DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) { var target = (HighlightBehavior)d; bool oldIsCaseSensitive = (bool)e.OldValue; bool newIsCaseSensitive = target.IsCaseSensitive; target.OnIsCaseSensitiveChanged(oldIsCaseSensitive, newIsCaseSensitive); } ///  /// Provides derived classes an opportunity to handle changes /// to the IsCaseSensitive property. ///  /// The old IsCaseSensitive value /// The new IsCaseSensitive value private void OnIsCaseSensitiveChanged( bool oldIsCaseSensitive, bool newIsCaseSensitive) { UpdateHighlight(); } #endregion #region HighlightTemplate ///  /// HighlightTemplate Dependency Property ///  public static readonly DependencyProperty HighlightTemplateProperty = DependencyProperty.Register( "HighlightTemplate", typeof(DataTemplate), typeof(HighlightBehavior), new PropertyMetadata(null, OnHighlightTemplateChanged)); ///  /// Gets or sets the HighlightTemplate property. This dependency property /// indicates the template to use to generate the highlight Run inlines. ///  public DataTemplate HighlightTemplate { get { return (DataTemplate)GetValue(HighlightTemplateProperty); } set { SetValue(HighlightTemplateProperty, value); } } ///  /// Handles changes to the HighlightTemplate property. ///  ///  /// The  on which /// the property has changed value. ///  ///  /// Event data that is issued by any event that /// tracks changes to the effective value of this property. ///  private static void OnHighlightTemplateChanged( DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) { var target = (HighlightBehavior)d; DataTemplate oldHighlightTemplate = (DataTemplate)e.OldValue; DataTemplate newHighlightTemplate = target.HighlightTemplate; target.OnHighlightTemplateChanged(oldHighlightTemplate, newHighlightTemplate); } ///  /// Provides derived classes an opportunity to handle changes /// to the HighlightTemplate property. ///  /// The old HighlightTemplate value /// The new HighlightTemplate value private void OnHighlightTemplateChanged( DataTemplate oldHighlightTemplate, DataTemplate newHighlightTemplate) { UpdateHighlight(); } #endregion #region HighlightBrush ///  /// HighlightBrush Dependency Property ///  public static readonly DependencyProperty HighlightBrushProperty = DependencyProperty.Register( "HighlightBrush", typeof(Brush), typeof(HighlightBehavior), new PropertyMetadata(new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red), OnHighlightBrushChanged)); ///  /// Gets or sets the HighlightBrush property. This dependency property /// indicates the brush to use to highlight the found instances of the search string. ///  ///  /// Note that the brush is ignored if HighlightTemplate is specified ///  public Brush HighlightBrush { get { return (Brush)GetValue(HighlightBrushProperty); } set { SetValue(HighlightBrushProperty, value); } } ///  /// Handles changes to the HighlightBrush property. ///  ///  /// The  on which /// the property has changed value. ///  ///  /// Event data that is issued by any event that /// tracks changes to the effective value of this property. ///  private static void OnHighlightBrushChanged( DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) { var target = (HighlightBehavior)d; Brush oldHighlightBrush = (Brush)e.OldValue; Brush newHighlightBrush = target.HighlightBrush; target.OnHighlightBrushChanged(oldHighlightBrush, newHighlightBrush); } ///  /// Provides derived classes an opportunity to handle changes /// to the HighlightBrush property. ///  /// The old HighlightBrush value /// The new HighlightBrush value private void OnHighlightBrushChanged( Brush oldHighlightBrush, Brush newHighlightBrush) { UpdateHighlight(); } #endregion private PropertyChangeEventSource _textChangeEventSource; ///  /// Called after the behavior is attached to an AssociatedObject. ///  ///  /// Override this to hook up functionality to the AssociatedObject. ///  protected override void OnAttached() { UpdateHighlight(); _textChangeEventSource = new PropertyChangeEventSource(this.AssociatedObject, "Text", BindingMode.OneWay); _textChangeEventSource.ValueChanged += TextChanged; base.OnAttached(); } ///  /// Called when the behavior is being detached from its AssociatedObject, but /// before it has actually occurred. ///  ///  /// Override this to unhook functionality from the AssociatedObject. ///  protected override void OnDetaching() { ClearHighlight(); _textChangeEventSource.ValueChanged -= TextChanged; _textChangeEventSource = null; base.OnDetaching(); } private void TextChanged(object sender, string s) { UpdateHighlight(); } ///  /// Updates the highlight. ///  public void UpdateHighlight() { if (this.AssociatedObject == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.AssociatedObject.Text) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.SearchString)) { ClearHighlight(); return; } var txt = this.AssociatedObject.Text; var searchTxt = this.SearchString; var processedCharacters = 0; this.AssociatedObject.Inlines.Clear(); int pos; while ((pos = txt.IndexOf( searchTxt, processedCharacters, this.IsCaseSensitive ? StringComparison.CurrentCulture : StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) >= 0) { if (pos > processedCharacters) { var run = new Run { Text = txt.Substring( processedCharacters, pos - processedCharacters) }; this.AssociatedObject.Inlines.Add(run); } Run highlight; var highlightText = txt.Substring(pos, searchTxt.Length); if (this.HighlightTemplate == null) { highlight = new Run { Text = highlightText, Foreground = this.HighlightBrush }; } else { highlight = (Run)this.HighlightTemplate.LoadContent(); highlight.Text = highlightText; } this.AssociatedObject.Inlines.Add(highlight); processedCharacters = pos + searchTxt.Length; } if (processedCharacters < txt.Length) { var run = new Run { Text = txt.Substring( processedCharacters, txt.Length - processedCharacters) }; this.AssociatedObject.Inlines.Add(run); } } ///  /// Clears the highlight. ///  public void ClearHighlight() { if (this.AssociatedObject == null) { return; } var text = this.AssociatedObject.Text; this.AssociatedObject.Inlines.Clear(); this.AssociatedObject.Inlines.Add(new Run{Text = text}); } } public abstract class Behavior : Behavior where T : DependencyObject { #region Behavior() - CTOR ///  /// Initializes a new instance of the  class. ///  protected Behavior() { _associatedType = typeof(T); } #endregion #region AssociatedObject ///  /// Gets the object to which this  is attached. ///  public new T AssociatedObject { get { return (T)_associatedObject; } internal set { _associatedObject = value; } } #endregion } 
