使用Reader Writer Lock创建线程安全列表

完全编辑早期版本,以下实现可以是线程安全列表实现。 我只需要知道它是否真的是线程安全的,我知道性能明智仍然存在问题。 目前版本正在使用ReaderWriterLockSlim,我有另一个使用Lock的实现,做同样的工作

使用System.Collections.Generic; 使用System.Threading;

///  /// Thread safe version of the List using ReaderWriterLockSlim ///  ///  public class ThreadSafeListWithRWLock : IList { // Internal private list which would be accessed in a thread safe manner private List internalList; // ReaderWriterLockSlim object to take care of thread safe acess between multiple readers and writers private readonly ReaderWriterLockSlim rwLockList; ///  /// Public constructor with variable initialization code ///  public ThreadSafeListWithRWLock() { internalList = new List(); rwLockList = new ReaderWriterLockSlim(); } ///  /// Get the Enumerator to the Thread safe list ///  ///  public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { return Clone().GetEnumerator(); } ///  /// System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator implementation to get the IEnumerator type ///  ///  System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return Clone().GetEnumerator(); } ///  /// Clone method to create an in memory copy of the Thread safe list ///  ///  public List Clone() { List clonedList = new List(); rwLockList.EnterReadLock(); internalList.ForEach(element => { clonedList.Add(element); }); rwLockList.ExitReadLock(); return (clonedList); } ///  /// Add an item to Thread safe list ///  ///  public void Add(T item) { rwLockList.EnterWriteLock(); internalList.Add(item); rwLockList.ExitWriteLock(); } ///  /// Remove an item from Thread safe list ///  ///  ///  public bool Remove(T item) { bool isRemoved; rwLockList.EnterWriteLock(); isRemoved = internalList.Remove(item); rwLockList.ExitWriteLock(); return (isRemoved); } ///  /// Clear all elements of Thread safe list ///  public void Clear() { rwLockList.EnterWriteLock(); internalList.Clear(); rwLockList.ExitWriteLock(); } ///  /// Contains an item in the Thread safe list ///  ///  ///  public bool Contains(T item) { bool containsItem; rwLockList.EnterReadLock(); containsItem = internalList.Contains(item); rwLockList.ExitReadLock(); return (containsItem); } ///  /// Copy elements of the Thread safe list to a compatible array from specified index in the aray ///  ///  ///  public void CopyTo(T[] array, int arrayIndex) { rwLockList.EnterReadLock(); internalList.CopyTo(array,arrayIndex); rwLockList.ExitReadLock(); } ///  /// Count elements in a Thread safe list ///  public int Count { get { int count; rwLockList.EnterReadLock(); count = internalList.Count; rwLockList.ExitReadLock(); return (count); } } ///  /// Check whether Thread safe list is read only ///  public bool IsReadOnly { get { return false; } } ///  /// Index of an item in the Thread safe list ///  ///  ///  public int IndexOf(T item) { int itemIndex; rwLockList.EnterReadLock(); itemIndex = internalList.IndexOf(item); rwLockList.ExitReadLock(); return (itemIndex); } ///  /// Insert an item at a specified index in a Thread safe list ///  ///  ///  public void Insert(int index, T item) { rwLockList.EnterWriteLock(); if (index = 0) internalList.Insert(index,item); rwLockList.ExitWriteLock(); } ///  /// Remove an item at a specified index in Thread safe list ///  ///  public void RemoveAt(int index) { rwLockList.EnterWriteLock(); if (index = 0) internalList.RemoveAt(index); rwLockList.ExitWriteLock(); } ///  /// Indexer for the Thread safe list ///  ///  ///  public T this[int index] { get { T returnItem = default(T); rwLockList.EnterReadLock(); if (index = 0) returnItem = internalList[index]; rwLockList.ExitReadLock(); return (returnItem); } set { rwLockList.EnterWriteLock(); if (index = 0) internalList[index] = value; rwLockList.ExitWriteLock(); } } } 

实现封装线程安全的自定义List很少值得付出努力。 每当您访问List时,您最好只使用lock

但是,在我自己处于性能密集型行业的情况下,有些情况会成为瓶颈。 lock的主要缺点是上下文切换的可能性,相对而言,在挂钟时间和CPU周期中都非常昂贵。

解决这个问题的最佳方法是使用不变性。 让所有读者访问不可变列表,编写者使用Interlocked操作“更新”它以用新实例替换它。 这是一种无锁设计,使读取无需同步并且无锁定写入(消除了上下文切换)。

我会强调,在几乎所有情况下,这都是矫枉过正的,我甚至不会考虑沿着这条路走下去,除非你是积极的,你需要了解并且你理解这些缺点。 其中一些显而易见的是读者获取时间点快照并浪费内存创建副本。

来自Microsoft.Bcl.Immutable的 ImmutableList也值得一看。 它完全是线程安全的。


在返回枚举数之后, GetEnumerator()方法不会保留任何锁,因此任何线程都可以自由地使用返回的枚举器而不进行任何锁定,以防止它们这样做。


有关讨论,请参阅此StackOverflow线程: .Net 4.0中没有ConcurrentList

如果您尝试使用某种读取器/写入器锁定,而不是简单的读取和写入锁定方案,则并发读取可能会大大超过您的写入次数。 在这种情况下,Zer0建议的写时复制方法可能是合适的。


 static class CopyOnWriteSwapper { public static void Swap(ref T obj, Func cloner, Action op) where T : class { while (true) { var objBefore = Volatile.Read(ref obj); var newObj = cloner(objBefore); op(newObj); if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref obj, newObj, objBefore) == objBefore) return; } } } 


 CopyOnWriteSwapper.Swap(ref _myList, orig => new List(orig), clone => clone.Add("asdf")); 
