

50|Carbon|Mercury|M:4;C:40;A:1 90|Oxygen|Mars|M:10;C:20;A:00 90|Serium|Jupiter|M:3;C:16;A:45 85|Hydrogen|Saturn|M:33;C:00;A:3 


现在我想从最高到最低显示每个元素(即碳,氧等),如果有多个具有相同权重的元素,将它们分组在一个权重下按行星 (火星,木星)和元素按字母顺序)按字母顺序排序碳,氧等..)


 1)90 Serium;Jupiter (sorted alphabetically by planet name). compounds:M:3;C:16;A:45 Oxygen;Mars compounds:M:10;C:20;A:00 2)85 Hydrogen;Saturn M:33;C:00;A:3 3)50 Carbon;Mercury M:4;C:40;A:1 


 public class Planets { public int Number { get; set; } //This field points to first cell of every row.output 50,90,90,85 public string name { get; set; } //This field points to Second cell of every row.output Hallogen,Oxygen,Hydrogen public string object { get; set; } ////This field points to third cell of every row.output Mercury,Mars,Saturn public List proportion { get; set; } //This will store all proportions with respect to planet object. //for Hallogen it will store 4,40,1.Just store number.ignore M,C,A initials. //for oxygen it will store 10,20,00.Just store number.ignore M,C,A initials. } public class proportion { public int Number { get; set; } } List Planets = new List(); using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(args[0])) { String line; while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { Planets planet = new Planets(); String[] parts = line.Split('|'); planet.Number = Convert.ToInt32(parts[0]); planet.name = parts[1]; planet.obj = parts[2]; String[] smallerParts = parts[3].Split(';'); planet.proportion = new List(); foreach (var item in smallerParts) { proportion prop = new proportion(); prop.Number = Convert.ToInt32(item.Split(':')[1]); planet.proportion.Add(prop); } Planets.Add(planet); } } var data = Planets.OrderByDescending(t => t.Number).ToList();//Highest to lowest. foreach (var item in data) { //What to do for same elements } 


  Planets[0]: { Number:50 name: Carbon object:Mercury proportion[0]: { Number:4 }, proportion[1]: { Number:40 }, proportion[2]: { Number:1 } } Etc....... 

这里唯一的问题是显示相同数量的重量预期输出1 )和按行星(火星,木星)按字母顺序排序,然后按元素(碳,氧气等)排序。


 void Main() { List customList = Input.Create(); var result = customList.GroupBy(x=>x.Weight,x=>new {x.Element1,x.Element2,x.Detail}) .Select(y=>new { key = y.Key, collection = y.OrderBy(z=>z.Element2) } ).OrderByDescending(h=>h.key); foreach(var n in result) { Console.WriteLine("Weight :: " + n.key); foreach(var g in n.collection) { Console.WriteLine(g.Element1 + ";" + g.Element2); Console.WriteLine("Compounds:" + g.Detail); } } } public class Input { public int Weight {get; set;} public string Element1 {get; set;} public string Element2 {get; set;} public string Detail {get; set;} public Input(int w, string e1, string e2, string d) { Weight = w; Element1 = e1; Element2 = e2; Detail = d; } public static List Create() { List returnList = new List(); returnList.Add(new Input(50,"Carbon","Mercury","M:4;C:40;A:1")); returnList.Add(new Input(90,"Oxygen","Mars","M:10;C:20;A:00")); returnList.Add(new Input(90,"Serium","Jupiter","M:3;C:16;A:45")); returnList.Add(new Input(85,"Hydrogen","Saturn","M:33;C:00;A:3")); return (returnList); } }