将linq中的字符串聚合或连接到SQL查询(SQL Server)


ID | Name | City 1 | X | Y 2 | Z | Y 3 | W | K 


 ID | Description 1 | Y (X, Z) 3 | K (W) 


 From C In Clients Group C By C.ID, C.City _ Into G = Group Select New With {.ID = ID, .Description = City & _ " (" & (From C In Clients Select C.Name).Aggregate(Function(X, Y) X & ", " & Y) & ")"} 

这给了我一个错误“不支持查询运算符’聚合’。” 也试过了

 From C In Clients Group C By C.ID, C.City _ Into G = Group Select New With {.ID = ID, .Description = City & _ " (" & String.Join((From C In Clients Select C.Name).ToArray, ", ") & ")"} 



我在C#中攻击了它,它似乎给你想要的东西。 我会把翻译留给VB给你。

 var clients = from c in context.Clients group c by c.City into cities select new { ID = cities.First().ID, City = cities.Key, Names = string.Join(",", (from n in cities select n.Name).ToArray()) }; foreach (var c in clients) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}| {1} ({2})", c.ID, c.City, c.Names)); } 

该错误意味着您无法在TSQL中对SQL Server执行LINQ操作,就像您编写的那样。

要实现您的目标,您必须尽可能多地选择/评估基础数据,然后在第二步中执行聚合。 两步或更多步骤过程并不理想,但可以完成。