在.NET 4中实现RegEx超时

平台:Silverlight 4,.NET 4

使用.NET 4.5 Developer预览版, RegEx类已得到增强,允许设置Timeout值,如果模式匹配存在问题,将阻止RegEx引擎挂起UI。

请求在.NET 4 Silverlight应用程序中实现类似function的建议。



public static R WithTimeout(Func proc, int duration) { var wh = proc.BeginInvoke(null, null); if (wh.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(duration)) { return proc.EndInvoke(wh); } throw new TimeOutException(); } 


 var r = WithTimeout(() => regex.Match(foo), 1000); 




 public static R WithTimeout(Func proc, int duration) { var reset = new AutoResetEvent(false); var r = default(R); Exception ex = null; var t = new Thread(() => { try { r = proc(); } catch (Exception e) { ex = e; } reset.Set(); }); t.Start(); // not sure if this is really needed in general while (t.ThreadState != ThreadState.Running) { Thread.Sleep(0); } if (!reset.WaitOne(duration)) { t.Abort(); throw new TimeoutException(); } if (ex != null) { throw ex; } return r; } 



它不是那么简单 – 但它可以使用两个线程完成,第一个执行正则表达式,第二个线程杀死第一个线程,如果它运行太长时间。 但这本身就存在问题。


  ///  /// Executes function proc on a separate thread respecting the given timeout value. ///  ///  /// The function to execute. /// The timeout duration. ///  public static R ExecuteWithTimeout(Func proc, TimeSpan timeout) { var r = default(R); // init default return value Exception ex = null; // records inter-thread exception // define a thread to wrap 'proc' var t = new Thread(() => { try { r = proc(); } catch (Exception e) { // this can get set to ThreadAbortException ex = e; Debug.WriteLine("Exception hit"); } }); t.Start(); // start running 'proc' thread wrapper // from docs: "The Start method does not return until the new thread has started running." if (t.Join(timeout) == false) { t.Abort(); // die evil thread! // Abort raises the ThreadAbortException int i = 0; while ((t.Join(1) == false) && (i < 20)) { // 20 ms wait possible here i++; } if (i >= 20) { // we didn't abort, might want to log this or take some other action // this can happen if you are doing something indefinitely hinky in a // finally block (cause the finally be will executed before the Abort // completes. Debug.WriteLine("Abort didn't work as expected"); } } if (ex != null) { throw ex; // oops } return r; // ah! } 
