Inno Setup循环浏览文件并注册每个.NET dll

我正在使用Inno Setup创建一个安装文件,我需要使用regasm.exe文件注册未知数量的.net dll。 我知道我可以使用以下代码注册.net DLL。

[Run] Filename: "{dotnet20}\RegAsm.exe"; Parameters: /codebase MyDLL.dll; WorkingDir: {app}; StatusMsg: "Registering Controls."; Flags: runminimized 

我的问题是,文件夹中有多个dll,我不知道要注册的每个dll的名称。 有没有办法我可以遍历文件夹中的文件并注册其中的每个文件而不知道文件的数量和名称?


我找不到任何会为你注册的标志,例如来自[Files]部分,所以我编写了这个脚本,它应该迭代指定文件夹中的所有* .dll文件,并且每次调用注册工具命令行。 请注意,我没有测试过这个脚本,我不确定使用的命令行及其参数,但基本的想法应该是:

 [Code] function RegisterNetLibraries(const Folder: string): Integer; var RegTool: string; FindRec: TFindRec; ResultCode: Integer; begin // initialize result to 0 processed files Result := 0; // expand the path to the registration tool RegTool := ExpandConstant('{dotnet20}\RegAsm.exe'); // check if the registration tool exists; if not then exit... if not FileExists(RegTool) then begin MsgBox('RegAsm.exe not found!' + #13#10 + RegTool, mbError, MB_OK); Exit; end; // if we've found a *.dll file in the specified folder, then... if FindFirst(ExpandConstant(Folder + '\*.dll'), FindRec) then try // repeat loop for every *.dll file in the specified folder repeat // if the iterated item is not a directory named like Dir.dll if FindRec.Attributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY = 0 then begin // if the execution of the registration tool succeeded, then... if Exec(RegTool, '/codebase ' + Folder + '\' + FindRec.Name, ExpandConstant('{app}'), SW_HIDE, ewWaitUntilTerminated, ResultCode) then // increase the returned processed file count Result := Result + 1 else // the execution failed, so let's try to show why SysErrorMessage(ResultCode); end; until // when there no next file item, the loop ends not FindNext(FindRec); finally // release the allocated search resources FindClose(FindRec); end; end; procedure CurStepChanged(CurStep: TSetupStep); var Count: Integer; begin // if we are at the post installation step, then... if CurStep = ssPostInstall then begin // the RegisterNetLibraries function returns count of processed files, // don't forget that you must pass expanded constant values Count := RegisterNetLibraries(ExpandConstant('{app}\Libs')); // show how many files have been processed MsgBox(IntToStr(Count) + ' libraries was processed...', mbInformation, MB_OK); end; end;