(ID / ParentID)列表到分层列表

MyClass包含ID ParentIDList as Children


 ID ParentID 1 0 2 7 3 1 4 5 5 1 6 2 7 1 8 6 9 0 10 9 


 1 __ 3 |__ 5__ 4 |__ 7__ 2__ 6__ 8 |__ 11 9 __10 

PS: ParentID未排序


 class MyClass { public int ID; public int ParentID; public List Children = new List(); public MyClass(int id, int parent_id) { ID = id; ParentID = parent_id; } } 


  List items = new List() { new MyClass(1, 0), new MyClass(2, 7), new MyClass(3, 1), new MyClass(4, 5), new MyClass(5, 1), new MyClass(6, 2), new MyClass(7,1), new MyClass(8, 6), new MyClass(9, 0), new MyClass(10, 9), new MyClass(11, 7), }; Dictionary dic = items.ToDictionary(ee => ee.ID); foreach (var c in items) if (dic.ContainsKey(c.ParentID)) dic[c.ParentID].Children.Add(c); 


对于分层数据,您需要递归 – foreach循环是不够的。

 Action SetChildren = null; SetChildren = parent => { parent.Children = items .Where(childItem => childItem.ParentID == parent.ID) .ToList(); //Recursively call the SetChildren method for each child. parent.Children .ForEach(SetChildren); }; //Initialize the hierarchical list to root level items List hierarchicalItems = items .Where(rootItem => rootItem.ParentID == 0) .ToList(); //Call the SetChildren method to set the children on each root level item. hierarchicalItems.ForEach(SetChildren); 

items与您使用的列表相同。 注意如何在自身内调用SetChildren方法。 这就是构建层次结构的原因。

如果在过滤之前构建父子关系,则此处不需要递归。 由于列表的成员保持相同的对象,只要您将列表的每个成员与其直接子项相关联,就会构建所有必需的关系。


 items.ForEach(item => item.Children = items.Where(child => child.ParentID == item.ID) .ToList()); List topItems = items.Where(item => item.ParentID == 0).ToList(); 




  public JsonResult CardData() { var watch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew(); OrgChartWithApiContext db = new OrgChartWithApiContext(); var items = db.Cards.ToList(); Action SetChildren = null; SetChildren = parent => { parent.Children = items .Where(childItem => childItem.ParentId == parent.id) .ToList(); //Recursively call the SetChildren method for each child. parent.Children .ForEach(SetChildren); }; //Initialize the hierarchical list to root level items List hierarchicalItems = items .Where(rootItem => !rootItem.ParentId.HasValue) .ToList(); //Call the SetChildren method to set the children on each root level item. hierarchicalItems.ForEach(SetChildren); watch.Stop(); var timetaken = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds; return new JsonResult() { Data = hierarchicalItems, ContentType = "Json", JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet }; } 


  public JsonResult Card2Data() { var watch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew(); OrgChartWithApiContext db = new OrgChartWithApiContext(); var items = db.Cards.ToList(); List topItems = items.Where(item => !item.ParentId.HasValue).ToList(); topItems.ForEach(item => item.Children = items.Where(child => child.ParentId == item.id).ToList()); watch.Stop(); var timetaken = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds; return new JsonResult() { Data = topItems, ContentType = "Json", JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet }; }