Tag: aggregate functions


你能帮我理解吗, words.Aggregate((workingSentence, next) => + next + ” ” + workingSentence); 从下面的代码片段? 如果有人解释我在C#1.1中实现这一点,那就太好了。 (来自MS的片段) – string sentence = “the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog”; // Split the string into individual words. string[] words = sentence.Split(‘ ‘); // Prepend each word to the beginning of the // new sentence to reverse the word […]

LINQ表达式中的聚合函数抛出错误。 (不能翻译成商店表达。)

错误:LINQ to Entities无法识别方法’System.String Aggregate [String,String](System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable 1[System.String], System.String, System.Func 3 [System.String,System。 String,System.String])’方法,此方法无法转换为商店表达式。 Linq表达: Items = context.TESTANSWER.Where(x => x.ID == 6729223232) .Join(context.QUESTIONREPOs, x => x.QUESTIONID, y => y.ID, (x, y) => new { x = x, y = y }) .Join(context.OPTIONREPOs, p => pxQUESTIONID, q => q.QUESTIONID, (p, q) => new { p = p, q = […]