
我正在尝试实现algoritm将Directed Acyclic Graph转换为Tree(为了好玩,学习,kata,命名它)。 所以我想出了数据结构Node:


///  /// Represeting a node in DAG or Tree ///  /// Value of the node public class Node { ///  /// creats a node with no child nodes ///  /// Value of the node public Node(T value) { Value = value; ChildNodes = new List<Node>(); } ///  /// Creates a node with given value and copy the collection of child nodes ///  /// value of the node /// collection of child nodes public Node(T value, IEnumerable<Node> childNodes) { if (childNodes == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("childNodes"); } ChildNodes = new List<Node>(childNodes); Value = value; } ///  /// Determines if the node has any child node ///  /// true if has any public bool HasChildNodes { get { return this.ChildNodes.Count != 0; } } ///  /// Travearse the Graph recursively ///  /// root node /// visitor for each node public void Traverse(Node root, Action<Node> visitor) { if (root == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("root"); } if (visitor == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("visitor"); } visitor(root); foreach (var node in root.ChildNodes) { Traverse(node, visitor); } } ///  /// Value of the node ///  public T Value { get; private set; } ///  /// List of all child nodes ///  public List<Node> ChildNodes { get; private set; } } 

这很简单。 方法:

 ///  /// Helper class for Node ///  /// Value of a node public static class NodeHelper { ///  /// Converts Directed Acyclic Graph to Tree data structure using recursion. ///  /// root of DAG /// keep track of child elements to find multiple connections (fe A connects with B and C and B also connects with C) /// root node of the tree public static Node DAG2TreeRec(this Node root, HashSet<Node> seenNodes) { if (root == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("root"); } if (seenNodes == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("seenNodes"); } var length = root.ChildNodes.Count; for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { var node = root.ChildNodes[i]; if (seenNodes.Contains(node)) { var nodeClone = new Node(node.Value, node.ChildNodes); node = nodeClone; } else { seenNodes.Add(node); } DAG2TreeRec(node, seenNodes); } return root; } ///  /// Converts Directed Acyclic Graph to Tree data structure using explicite stack. ///  /// root of DAG /// keep track of child elements to find multiple connections (fe A connects with B and C and B also connects with C) /// root node of the tree public static Node DAG2Tree(this Node root, HashSet<Node> seenNodes) { if (root == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("root"); } if (seenNodes == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("seenNodes"); } var stack = new Stack<Node>(); stack.Push(root); while (stack.Count > 0) { var tempNode = stack.Pop(); var length = tempNode.ChildNodes.Count; for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { var node = tempNode.ChildNodes[i]; if (seenNodes.Contains(node)) { var nodeClone = new Node(node.Value, node.ChildNodes); node = nodeClone; } else { seenNodes.Add(node); } stack.Push(node); } } return root; } } 


  static void Main(string[] args) { // Jitter preheat Dag2TreeTest(); Dag2TreeRecTest(); Console.WriteLine("Running time "); Dag2TreeTest(); Dag2TreeRecTest(); Console.ReadKey(); } public static void Dag2TreeTest() { HashSet<Node> hashSet = new HashSet<Node>(); Node root = BulidDummyDAG(); Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); var treeNode = root.DAG2Tree(hashSet); stopwatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Dag 2 Tree = {0}ms",stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds)); } private static Node BulidDummyDAG() { Node node2 = new Node(2); Node node4 = new Node(4); Node node3 = new Node(3); Node node5 = new Node(5); Node node6 = new Node(6); Node node7 = new Node(7); Node node8 = new Node(8); Node node9 = new Node(9); Node node10 = new Node(10); Node root = new Node(1); //making DAG root.ChildNodes.Add(node2); root.ChildNodes.Add(node3); node3.ChildNodes.Add(node2); node3.ChildNodes.Add(node4); root.ChildNodes.Add(node5); node4.ChildNodes.Add(node6); node4.ChildNodes.Add(node7); node5.ChildNodes.Add(node8); node2.ChildNodes.Add(node9); node9.ChildNodes.Add(node8); node9.ChildNodes.Add(node10); var length = 10000; Node tempRoot = node10; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { var nextChildNode = new Node(11 + i); tempRoot.ChildNodes.Add(nextChildNode); tempRoot = nextChildNode; } return root; } public static void Dag2TreeRecTest() { HashSet<Node> hashSet = new HashSet<Node>(); Node root = BulidDummyDAG(); Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); var treeNode = root.DAG2TreeRec(hashSet); stopwatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Dag 2 Tree Rec = {0}ms",stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds)); } 


  • 覆盖GetHash,toString,Equals,== operator
  • 实施IComparable
  • LinkedList可能是更好的选择

此外,在转换之前,需要检查certian thigs:

  • 多重图
  • 如果是DAG(周期)
  • DAG的Diamnods
  • DAG中有多个根

总而言之,它缩小为几个问题: 如何改善转换? 由于这是一次复发,因此可能会炸毁堆栈。 我可以添加堆栈来记忆它。 如果我继续传递风格,我会更有效率吗?

我认为在这种情况下不可变的数据结构会更好。 这是对的吗?

Childs是正确的名字吗? 🙂


  • 如您所见,某些节点在输出中出现两次。 如果节点2有子节点,则整个子树将出现两次。 如果您希望每个节点只出现一次,请替换

     if (hashSet.Contains(node)) { var nodeClone = new Node(node.Value, node.Childs); node = nodeClone; } 

     if (hashSet.Contains(node)) { // node already seen -> do nothing } 
  • 我不会太担心堆栈的大小或递归的性能。 但是,您可以使用广度优先搜索替换深度优先搜索 ,这将导致节点更接近先前访问的根,从而产生更“自然”的树(在您的图片中,您已经按照BFS顺序编号了节点) )。

      var seenNodes = new HashSet(); var q = new Queue(); q.Enqueue(root); seenNodes.Add(root); while (q.Count > 0) { var node = q.Dequeue(); foreach (var child in node.Childs) { if (!seenNodes.Contains(child )) { seenNodes.Add(child); q.Enqueue(child); } } 


  • 多根


     class Graph { public List Nodes { get; private set; } public Graph() { Nodes = new List(); } } 


  • hashSet可以命名为seenNodes

  • 代替

     var length = root.Childs.Count; for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { var node = root.Childs[i]; 

     foreach (var child in root.Childs) 
  • 在Traverse,访客是非常不必要的。 您可能更愿意拥有一个方法来生成树的所有节点(以遍历相同的顺序),并且用户可以对节点执行任何操作:

     foreach(var node in root.TraverseRecursive()) { Console.WriteLine(node.Value); } 
  • 如果重写GetHashCode和Equals,算法将无法再区分具有相同值的两个不同节点,这可能不是您想要的。

  • 我没有看到为什么LinkedList比List更好的原因,除了List在添加节点时所做的重新分配(容量2,4,8,16,...)。

  1. 你最好在CodeReview中发布
  2. 孩子是错的=>孩子
  3. 你不必使用HashSet,你可以很容易地使用List>,因为这里只检查引用就足够了。 (因此不需要GetHashCode,Equals和运算符覆盖)

  4. 更简单的方法是序列化您的类,然后使用XmlSerializer将其再次反序列化为第二个对象。 序列化和反序列化时,引用2次的1个对象将成为具有不同引用的2个对象。