无法在LINQ OrderBy中使用属性名进行排序


LINQ to Entities无法识别方法’System.Object GetValue(System.Object,System.Object [])’方法,并且此方法无法转换为存储表达式。


public static GridResult GetAllUsers(int count, int tblsize,string sortcreteria) { using (UserEntities entity = new UserEntities()) { var data = entity.User_Details.Take(count) .OrderBy(i =>.GetType().GetProperty(sortcreteria).GetValue(i,null)) .Skip(tblsize).ToList(); result.DataSource = data; result.Count = entity.User_Details.Count(); } return result; } 



 using System.Linq; using System.Linq.Expressions; using System; namespace SomeNameSpace { public static class SomeExtensionClass { public static IQueryable OrderByField(this IQueryable q, string SortField, bool Ascending) { var param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "p"); var prop = Expression.Property(param, SortField); var exp = Expression.Lambda(prop, param); string method = Ascending ? "OrderBy" : "OrderByDescending"; Type[] types = new Type[] { q.ElementType, exp.Body.Type }; var mce = Expression.Call(typeof(Queryable), method, types, q.Expression, exp); return q.Provider.CreateQuery(mce); } } 



 .OrderByField(sortcriteria, true) 



 public static class SomeExtensionClass { private static IOrderedQueryable OrderingHelper(IQueryable source, string propertyName, bool descending, bool anotherLevel) { var param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "p"); var property = Expression.PropertyOrField(param, propertyName); var sort = Expression.Lambda(property, param); var call = Expression.Call( typeof(Queryable), (!anotherLevel ? "OrderBy" : "ThenBy") + (descending ? "Descending" : string.Empty), new[] { typeof(T), property.Type }, source.Expression, Expression.Quote(sort)); return (IOrderedQueryable)source.Provider.CreateQuery(call); } public static IOrderedQueryable OrderBy(this IQueryable source, string propertyName) { return OrderingHelper(source, propertyName, false, false); } public static IOrderedQueryable OrderBy(this IQueryable source, string propertyName, bool descending) { return OrderingHelper(source, propertyName, descending, false); } public static IOrderedQueryable ThenBy(this IOrderedQueryable source, string propertyName) { return OrderingHelper(source, propertyName, false, true); } public static IOrderedQueryable ThenBy(this IOrderedQueryable source, string propertyName, bool descending) { return OrderingHelper(source, propertyName, descending, true); } } 

您可以尝试使用(有点旧的) 动态LINQ库来执行此操作:

 var data = entity.User_Details .Take(count) .OrderBy(sortcriteria) .Skip(tblsize) .ToList(); 

或者,您仍然可以通过首先将对象移动到内存中来使用原始查询对序列进行排序,因为LINQ to Entities提供程序无法将对Reflection API的调用转换为SQL:

 var data = entity.User_Details .Take(count) .Skip(tblsize) .AsEnumerable() .OrderBy(i => i.GetType().GetProperty(sortcriteria).GetValue(i, null)) 

您可能需要使用Expression Trees来构造Linq语句OrderBy(x => x.SomeProperty)

为LINQ / Lambda创建一个OrderBy表达式
