
我正在尝试为WF 4实现自定义TrackingParticipant。我可以编写Track方法,但我的实现速度很慢。

如何使用.NET 4.0的任务并行库(TPL)实现Begin / EndTrack覆盖? 我看过TPL和Traditional .NET异步编程,但我不知道如何在这里应用它。


public class MyTrackingParticipant : TrackingParticipant { protected override IAsyncResult BeginTrack( TrackingRecord record, TimeSpan timeout, AsyncCallback callback, object state) { // ? } protected override void EndTrack(IAsyncResult result) { // ? } protected override void Track(TrackingRecord record, TimeSpan timeout) { // synchronous code to be called } } 


 protected override IAsyncResult BeginTrack(TrackingRecord record, TimeSpan timeout, AsyncCallback callback, object state) { Task result = Task.Factory.StartNew( (taskState) => { // ... your async work here ... }, state); if(callback != null) { result.ContinueWith((t) => callback(t)); } return result; } protected override void EndTrack(IAsyncResult asyncResult) { // Call wait to block until task is complete and/or cause any exceptions that occurred to propagate to the caller ((Task)asyncResult).Wait(); } 

如果EndXXX方法返回结果,您实际上将返回TaskResult属性,而不是仅调用Wait 。 例如:

 protected override int EndAwesomeCalculation(IAsyncResult asyncResult) { // This will block until the result is available and/or cause any exceptions that occurred propagate to the caller return ((Task)asyncResult).Result; }