
很多时候我们在表单加载中使用DB中的数据填充UI,这就是为什么表单会冻结几秒钟。 所以我只想知道如何异步加载数据并在表单加载中填充UI,因此我的表单不会冻结,也会响应,但我不想使用后台工作者类。 请帮我提供可以解决我的问题的示例代码。




// This method can be called on Form_Load, Button_Click, etc. private void LoadData() { // Start a thread to load data asynchronously. Thread loadDataThread = new Thread(LoadDataAsync); loadDataThread.Start(); } // This method is called asynchronously private void LoadDataAsync() { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); // ... get data from connection // Since this method is executed from another thread than the main thread (AKA UI thread), // Any logic that tried to manipulate UI from this thread, must go into BeginInvoke() call. // By using BeginInvoke() we state that this code needs to be executed on UI thread. // Check if this code is executed on some other thread than UI thread if (InvokeRequired) // In this example, this will return `true`. { BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { PopulateUI(ds); })); } } private void PopulateUI(DataSet ds) { // Populate UI Controls with data from DataSet ds. } 


这是此方法的示例代码 。


看看这篇文章。 http://aspadvice.com/blogs/azamsharp/archive/2007/04/05/Executing-a-Query-Asynchronously-in-.NET-2.0.aspx

它仍然使用Background worker。 老实说,除了将应用程序线程化以执行查询并绑定返回的结果之外,我无法想到替代解决方案。 如果你决定使用线程,我建议你看看这篇关于异步执行的线程池的文章: http : //www.yoda.arachsys.com/csharp/threads/threadpool.shtml

您最好的做法是使用另一个线程。 您可以通过调用ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem直接从线程池中使用一个。

  private void OnFormLoad() { ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(() => GetSqlData()); } private object GetSqlData() { using (var connection = new SqlCeConnection("ConnectionString")) { using(var command = new SqlCeCommand()) { command.Connection = connection; command.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM tbl_hello"; command.ExecuteReader(); while (command.ExecuteReader().Read()) { //Put data somewhere } } } }