


   MailingGUID 0aa2b2e3-7afa-4002-ab2f-9eb4cbe33ae7   OrderRef 52186   



  private void readXML() { XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument(); // You'll need to put the correct path to your xml file here xml.Load(Server.MapPath("~/XmlFile11.xml")); // Select a specific node XmlNode node = xml.SelectSingleNode("result/data/value"); // Get its value string name = node.InnerText; } 



更新:我认为你的模式可能有问题,我删除了对它们的引用,你的代码运行正常。 我试过这个:

 const string str = "MailingGUID0aa2b2e3-7afa-4002-ab2f-9eb4cbe33ae7OrderRef52186"; var xml = new XmlDocument(); xml.LoadXml(str); xml.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("/result/data/value").InnerText 
 import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); //Parsing of xml is done here Document doc = builder.parse(new File("C:\\Users\\User_Name\\Documents\\My Received Files\\PDSL_ABM.xml")); //Here we get the root element of XML and print out doc.getDocumentElement().normalize(); System.out.println ("Root element of the doc is " + doc.getDocumentElement().getNodeName()); NodeList list = doc.getElementsByTagName("MailingGUID"); int totalMailingGUID =list.getLength(); System.out.println("Total no of MailingGUID : " + totalSupplierPartID); //Traversing all the elements from the list and printing out its data for (int i = 0; i < list.getLength(); i++) { //Getting one node from the list. Node childNode = list.item(i); System.out.println("MailingGUID : " + childNode.getTextContent()); } 
 xml.LoadXml(sResponse); XmlNodeList Nnodes = xml.SelectNodes("/api_result/entries_success"); foreach (XmlNode Nnode in Nnodes) { string entries_success = Nnode["numto"].InnerText; LabelES.Text += entries_success + ","; }