使用Open XML SDK替换Word文件中的书签文本

我假设v2.0更好……他们有一些很好的“如何:……”的例子,但是书签看起来并不像表格那么明显……书签是由两个 XML元素BookmarkStart定义的书签结束 。 我们有一些带有书签的模板作为书签,我们只想用其他文本替换书签……没有奇怪的格式化,但如何选择/替换书签文字?


IDictionary bookmarkMap = new Dictionary(); foreach (BookmarkStart bookmarkStart in file.MainDocumentPart.RootElement.Descendants()) { bookmarkMap[bookmarkStart.Name] = bookmarkStart; } foreach (BookmarkStart bookmarkStart in bookmarkMap.Values) { Run bookmarkText = bookmarkStart.NextSibling(); if (bookmarkText != null) { bookmarkText.GetFirstChild().Text = "blah"; } } 


 public static void InsertIntoBookmark(BookmarkStart bookmarkStart, string text) { OpenXmlElement elem = bookmarkStart.NextSibling(); while (elem != null && !(elem is BookmarkEnd)) { OpenXmlElement nextElem = elem.NextSibling(); elem.Remove(); elem = nextElem; } bookmarkStart.Parent.InsertAfter(new Run(new Text(text)), bookmarkStart); } 

首先,删除开始和结束之间的现有内容。 然后在开始之后(结束之前)直接添加新的运行。





 private static Dictionary FindBookmarks(OpenXmlElement documentPart, Dictionary results = null, Dictionary unmatched = null ) { results = results ?? new Dictionary(); unmatched = unmatched ?? new Dictionary(); foreach (var child in documentPart.Elements()) { if (child is BookmarkStart) { var bStart = child as BookmarkStart; unmatched.Add(bStart.Id, bStart.Name); } if (child is BookmarkEnd) { var bEnd = child as BookmarkEnd; foreach (var orphanName in unmatched) { if (bEnd.Id == orphanName.Key) results.Add(orphanName.Value, bEnd); } } FindBookmarks(child, results, unmatched); } return results; } 


 var bookMarks = FindBookmarks(doc.MainDocumentPart.Document); foreach( var end in bookMarks ) { var textElement = new Text("asdfasdf"); var runElement = new Run(textElement); end.Value.InsertAfterSelf(runElement); } 

从我可以告诉插入和替换书签看起来更难。 当我使用InsertAt而不是InsertIntoSelf时,我得到:“非复合元素没有子元素。” 因人而异


  Public static void ReplaceBookmarkParagraphs(WordprocessingDocument doc, string bookmark, string text) { //Find all Paragraph with 'BookmarkStart' var t = (from el in doc.MainDocumentPart.RootElement.Descendants() where (el.Name == bookmark) && (el.NextSibling() != null) select el).First(); //Take ID value var val = t.Id.Value; //Find the next sibling 'text' OpenXmlElement next = t.NextSibling(); //Set text value next.GetFirstChild().Text = text; //Delete all bookmarkEnd node, until the same ID deleteElement(next.GetFirstChild().Parent, next.GetFirstChild().NextSibling(), val, true); } 


 Public static bool deleteElement(OpenXmlElement parentElement, OpenXmlElement elem, string id, bool seekParent) { bool found = false; //Loop until I find BookmarkEnd or null element while (!found && elem != null && (!(elem is BookmarkEnd) || (((BookmarkEnd)elem).Id.Value != id))) { if (elem.ChildElements != null && elem.ChildElements.Count > 0) { found = deleteElement(elem, elem.FirstChild, id, false); } if (!found) { OpenXmlElement nextElem = elem.NextSibling(); elem.Remove(); elem = nextElem; } } if (!found) { if (elem == null) { if (!(parentElement is Body) && seekParent) { //Try to find bookmarkEnd in Sibling nodes found = deleteElement(parentElement.Parent, parentElement.NextSibling(), id, true); } } else { if (elem is BookmarkEnd && ((BookmarkEnd)elem).Id.Value == id) { found = true; } } } return found; } 

如果你没有空的书签,这段代码很有用。 我希望它可以帮助别人。

这里的大多数解决方案假定在运行之前和结束之后开始的常规书签模式,这并非总是如此,例如,如果书签在para或table中开始并且在另一个para中的某处结束(就像其他人已经注意到的那样)。 如何使用文档顺序来处理书签没有放在常规结构中的情况 – 文档顺序仍然会找到之间可以替换的所有相关文本节点。 只需执行root.DescendantNodes()。其中​​(xtext或bookmarkstart或书签结束)将按文档顺序遍历,然后可以替换在看到书签起始节点之后但在查看结束节点之前出现的文本节点。


  -  forbund_kort   Imports DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Packaging Imports DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing Public Class PPWordDocx Public Sub ChangeBookmarks(ByVal path As String) Try Dim doc As WordprocessingDocument = WordprocessingDocument.Open(path, True) 'Read the entire document contents using the GetStream method: Dim bookmarkMap As IDictionary(Of String, BookmarkStart) = New Dictionary(Of String, BookmarkStart)() Dim bs As BookmarkStart For Each bs In doc.MainDocumentPart.RootElement.Descendants(Of BookmarkStart)() bookmarkMap(bs.Name) = bs Next For Each bs In bookmarkMap.Values Dim bsText As DocumentFormat.OpenXml.OpenXmlElement = bs.NextSibling If Not bsText Is Nothing Then If TypeOf bsText Is BookmarkEnd Then 'Add Text element after start bookmark bs.Parent.InsertAfter(New Run(New Text(bs.Name)), bs) Else 'Change Bookmark Text If TypeOf bsText Is Run Then If bsText.GetFirstChild(Of Text)() Is Nothing Then bsText.InsertAt(New Text(bs.Name), 0) End If bsText.GetFirstChild(Of Text)().Text = bs.Name End If End If End If Next doc.MainDocumentPart.RootElement.Save() doc.Close() Catch ex As Exception Throw ex End Try End Sub End Class 


  1. 您可能希望忽略隐藏的书签。 如果名称以_(下划线)开头,则隐藏书签
  2. 如果书签是针对一个以上的TableCell,您将在BookmarkStart中的第一个Cell中找到它,其属性ColumnFirst引用书签开始的单元格的从0开始的列索引。 ColumnLast指的是书签结束的单元格,对于我的特殊情况,它总是ColumnFirst == ColumnLast(书签只标记一列)。 在这种情况下,您也找不到BookmarkEnd。
  3. 书签可以为空,因此BookmarkStart直接跟随BookmarkEnd,在这种情况下,您只需调用bookmarkStart.Parent.InsertAfter(new Run(new Text("Hello World")), bookmarkStart)
  4. 书签也可以包含许多文本元素,因此您可能希望删除所有其他元素,否则可能会替换书签的某些部分,而其他部分将保留。
  5. 而且我不确定我的最后一次攻击是否是必要的,因为我不知道OpenXML的所有限制,但是在发现之前的4之后,我也不再相信会有一个兄弟的Run,文本的孩子。 所以我只是看看我的所有兄弟姐妹(直到BookmarEnd与BookmarkStart具有相同的ID)并检查所有孩子,直到找到任何文本。 – 也许有更多OpenXML经验的人可以回答是否有必要?



我需要用表替换书签的文本(书签名称是“表”)。 这是我的方法:

 public void ReplaceBookmark( DatasetToTable( ds ) ) { MainDocumentPart mainPart = myDoc.MainDocumentPart; Body body = mainPart.Document.GetFirstChild(); var bookmark = body.Descendants() .Where( o => o.Name == "Table" ) .FirstOrDefault(); var parent = bookmark.Parent; //bookmark's parent element if (ds!=null) { parent.InsertAfterSelf( DatasetToTable( ds ) ); parent.Remove(); } mainPart.Document.Save(); } public Table DatasetToTable( DataSet ds ) { Table table = new Table(); //creating table; return table; } 



 For Each curBookMark In contractBookMarkStarts ''# Get the "Run" immediately following the bookmark and then ''# get the Run's "Text" field runAfterBookmark = curBookMark.NextSibling(Of Wordprocessing.Run)() textInRun = runAfterBookmark.LastChild ''# Decode the bookmark to a contract attribute lines = DecodeContractDataToContractDocFields(curBookMark.Name, curContract).Split(vbCrLf) ''# If there are multiple lines returned then some work needs to be done to create ''# the necessary Run/Text fields to hold lines 2 thru n. If just one line then set the ''# Text field to the attribute from the contract For ptr = 0 To lines.Count - 1 line = lines(ptr) If ptr = 0 Then textInRun.Text = line.Trim() Else ''# Add a 
run/text component then add next line newRunForLf = New Run(runAfterBookmark.OuterXml) newRunForLf.LastChild.Remove() newBreak = New Break() newRunForLf.Append(newBreak) newRunForText = New Run(runAfterBookmark.OuterXml) DirectCast(newRunForText.LastChild, Text).Text = line.Trim curBookMark.Parent.Append(newRunForLf) curBookMark.Parent.Append(newRunForText) End If Next Next

接受的答案和其他一些人对书签在文档结构中的位置做出了假设。 这是我的C#代码,它可以处理替换多个段落中的书签正确替换不在段落边界处开始和结束的书签。 仍然不完美,但更接近……希望它有用。 如果您找到更多改进方法,请进行修改!

  private static void ReplaceBookmarkParagraphs(MainDocumentPart doc, string bookmark, IEnumerable paras) { var start = doc.Document.Descendants().Where(x => x.Name == bookmark).First(); var end = doc.Document.Descendants().Where(x => x.Id.Value == start.Id.Value).First(); OpenXmlElement current = start; var done = false; while ( !done && current != null ) { OpenXmlElement next; next = current.NextSibling(); if ( next == null ) { var parentNext = current.Parent.NextSibling(); while ( !parentNext.HasChildren ) { var toRemove = parentNext; parentNext = parentNext.NextSibling(); toRemove.Remove(); } next = current.Parent.NextSibling().FirstChild; current.Parent.Remove(); } if ( next is BookmarkEnd ) { BookmarkEnd maybeEnd = (BookmarkEnd)next; if ( maybeEnd.Id.Value == start.Id.Value ) { done = true; } } if ( current != start ) { current.Remove(); } current = next; } foreach ( var p in paras ) { end.Parent.InsertBeforeSelf(p); } } 

这是我最终得到的 – 不是100%完美,但适用于简单的书签和简单的文字插入:

 private void FillBookmarksUsingOpenXml(string sourceDoc, string destDoc, Dictionary bookmarkData) { string wordmlNamespace = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/wordprocessingml/2006/main"; // Make a copy of the template file. File.Copy(sourceDoc, destDoc, true); //Open the document as an Open XML package and extract the main document part. using (WordprocessingDocument wordPackage = WordprocessingDocument.Open(destDoc, true)) { MainDocumentPart part = wordPackage.MainDocumentPart; //Setup the namespace manager so you can perform XPath queries //to search for bookmarks in the part. NameTable nt = new NameTable(); XmlNamespaceManager nsManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(nt); nsManager.AddNamespace("w", wordmlNamespace); //Load the part's XML into an XmlDocument instance. XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(nt); xmlDoc.Load(part.GetStream()); //Iterate through the bookmarks. foreach (KeyValuePair bookmarkDataVal in bookmarkData) { var bookmarks = from bm in part.Document.Body.Descendants() select bm; foreach (var bookmark in bookmarks) { if (bookmark.Name == bookmarkDataVal.Key) { Run bookmarkText = bookmark.NextSibling(); if (bookmarkText != null) // if the bookmark has text replace it { bookmarkText.GetFirstChild().Text = bookmarkDataVal.Value; } else // otherwise append new text immediately after it { var parent = bookmark.Parent; // bookmark's parent element Text text = new Text(bookmarkDataVal.Value); Run run = new Run(new RunProperties()); run.Append(text); // insert after bookmark parent parent.Append(run); } //bk.Remove(); // we don't want the bookmark anymore } } } //Write the changes back to the document part. xmlDoc.Save(wordPackage.MainDocumentPart.GetStream(FileMode.Create)); } }