


List TimeList = ... // determine the order before insert or add the new item 


 List ItemList = ... //customizedClass contains DateTimeOffset object and other strings, int, etc. ItemList.Sort(); // this won't work until set data comparison with DateTimeOffset ItemList.OrderBy(); // this won't work until set data comparison with DateTimeOffset 



 ItemList = from s in ItemList orderby s.PublishDate descending // .PublishDate is type DateTime select s; 


无法将类型’System.Linq.IOrderedEnumerable’隐式转换为’System.Collections.Gerneric.List’。 存在显式转换(您是否错过了演员?)


 ItemList = (from s in ItemList orderby s.PublishDate descending select s).ToList(); 


 var sortedList = from s in .... 


 var index = TimeList.BinarySearch(dateTimeOffset); if (index < 0) index = ~index; TimeList.Insert(index, dateTimeOffset); 

@ LB对边缘情况的回答略有改进:

 public static class ListExt { public static void AddSorted(this List @this, T item) where T: IComparable { if (@this.Count == 0) { @this.Add(item); return; } if (@this[@this.Count-1].CompareTo(item) <= 0) { @this.Add(item); return; } if (@this[0].CompareTo(item) >= 0) { @this.Insert(0, item); return; } int index = @this.BinarySearch(item); if (index < 0) index = ~index; @this.Insert(index, item); } } 

使用.NET 4,您可以使用新的SortedSet否则您将使用键值集合SortedList

 SortedSet TimeList = new SortedSet(); // add DateTimeOffsets here, they will be sorted initially 

注意: SortedSet类不接受重复元素。 如果item已经在set中,则此方法返回false并且不会抛出exception。




 DateTimeOffset dto; // Current time dto = DateTimeOffset.Now; //This will insert the item at first position TimeList.Insert(0,dto); //This will insert the item at last position TimeList.Add(dto); 


 //This will sort the collection in ascending order List SortedCollection=from dt in TimeList select dt order by dt; 


 list.OrderBy(a => a.ColumnName).ToList(); 


我接受了@Noseratio的回答并重新编写并将其与@Jeppe的答案结合起来,以获得适用于集合的函数(我需要它用于ObservableCollection of Paths)和类型,它不实现IComparable。

  ///  /// Inserts a new value into a sorted collection. ///  /// The type of collection values, where the type implements IComparable of itself /// The source collection /// The item being inserted public static void InsertSorted(this Collection collection, T item) where T : IComparable { InsertSorted(collection, item, Comparer.Create((x, y) => x.CompareTo(y))); } ///  /// Inserts a new value into a sorted collection. ///  /// The type of collection values /// The source collection /// The item being inserted /// An IComparer to comparer T values, eg Comparer<T>.Create((x, y) => (x.Property < y.Property) ? -1 : (x.Property > y.Property) ? 1 : 0) public static void InsertSorted(this Collection collection, T item, IComparer ComparerFunction) { if (collection.Count == 0) { // Simple add collection.Add(item); } else if (ComparerFunction.Compare(item, collection[collection.Count - 1]) >= 0) { // Add to the end as the item being added is greater than the last item by comparison. collection.Add(item); } else if (ComparerFunction.Compare(item, collection[0]) <= 0) { // Add to the front as the item being added is less than the first item by comparison. collection.Insert(0, item); } else { // Otherwise, search for the place to insert. int index = Array.BinarySearch(collection.ToArray(), item, ComparerFunction); if (index < 0) { // The zero-based index of item if item is found; // otherwise, a negative number that is the bitwise complement of the index of the next element that is larger than item or, if there is no larger element, the bitwise complement of Count. index = ~index; } collection.Insert(index, item); } }