如何创建解析器(lex / yacc)?


--TestFile Start ASDF123 Name "John" Address "#6,US" end ASDF123 

--开头的行将被视为注释行。 并且文件以“开始”开始,以“结束” endStart之后的字符串是UserID ,然后nameaddress将在双引号内。




现在我使用模式匹配( Regular Expressions )来解析上面的文件。 这是我的示例代码。

  ///  /// To Store the row data from the file ///  List MyList = new List(); String strName = ""; String strAddress = ""; String strInfo = ""; 

方法 :ReadFile

  ///  /// To read the file into a List ///  private void ReadFile() { StreamReader Reader = new StreamReader(Application.StartupPath + "\\TestFile.txt"); while (!Reader.EndOfStream) { MyList.Add(Reader.ReadLine()); } Reader.Close(); } 

方法 :FormateRowData

  ///  /// To remove comments ///  private void FormateRowData() { MyList = MyList.Where(X => X != "").Where(X => X.StartsWith("--")==false ).ToList(); } 

方法 :ParseData

  ///  /// To Parse the data from the List ///  private void ParseData() { Match l_mMatch; Regex RegData = new Regex("start[ \t\r\n]*(?[a-z0-9]*)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); Regex RegName = new Regex("name [ \t\r\n]*\"(?[az]*)\"", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); Regex RegAddress = new Regex("address [ \t\r\n]*\"(?
[a-z0-9 #,]*)\"", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); for (int Index = 0; Index < MyList.Count; Index++) { l_mMatch = RegData.Match(MyList[Index]); if (l_mMatch.Success) strInfo = l_mMatch.Groups["Data"].Value; l_mMatch = RegName.Match(MyList[Index]); if (l_mMatch.Success) strName = l_mMatch.Groups["Name"].Value; l_mMatch = RegAddress.Match(MyList[Index]); if (l_mMatch.Success) strAddress = l_mMatch.Groups["Address"].Value; } }

方法 :WriteFile

  ///  /// To write parsed information into file. ///  private void WriteFile() { XDocument XD = new XDocument( new XElement(strInfo, new XElement("Name", new XAttribute("Value", strName)), new XElement("Address", new XAttribute("Value", strAddress)))); XD.Save(Application.StartupPath + "\\File.xml"); } 


请帮我用lex和yacc编写一个解析器。 原因是,我现有的解析器( Pattern Matching )不灵活,更多的不是正确的方式(我想是这样)。

如何使用ParserGenerator (我已经阅读了Code Project Sample One和Code Project Sample Two,但我仍然对此并不熟悉)。 请给我一些输出C#解析器的解析器生成器。

Gardens Point LEX和Gardens Point Parser Generator受到LEX和YACC的强烈影响,并输出C#代码。

你的语法很简单,我认为你现在的方法很好,但是想要学习“真正的”做法的方法值得称道。 :-)所以这是我对语法的建议(只是生产规则;这远不是一个完整的例子。实际的GPPG文件需要用C#代码替换...来构建语法树,你需要令牌声明等。 – 阅读文档中的GPPG示例。您还需要描述令牌的GPLEX文件:

 /* Your input file is a list of "top level elements" */ TopLevel : TopLevel TopLevelElement { ... } | /* (empty) */ /* A top level element is either a comment or a block. The COMMENT token must be described in the GPLEX file as any line that starts with -- . */ TopLevelElement: Block { ... } | COMMENT { ... } /* A block starts with the token START (which, in the GPLEX file, is defined as the string "Start"), continues with some identifier (the block name), then has a list of elements, and finally the token END followed by an identifier. If you want to validate that the END identifier is the same as the START identifier, you can do that in the C# code that analyses the syntax tree built by GPPG. The token Identifier is also defined with a regular expression in GPLEX. */ Block: START Identifier BlockElementList END Identifier { ... } BlockElementList: BlockElementList BlockElement { ... } | /* empty */ BlockElement: (NAME | ADDRESS) QuotedString { ... } 

您首先必须为解析器定义语法。 (Yacc部分)


 file : record file ; record: start identifier recordContent end identifier {//rule to match the two identifiers} ; recordContent: name value; //Can be more detailed if you require order in the fields 

词法分析将是lex。 我猜你的正则表达式对定义它们很有用。

我的回答是粗略的草稿,我建议你在互联网上查找关于lex / yacc flex / bison的更完整的教程,如果你有一个更集中的问题,请回到这里。

我也不知道是否有一个允许你保存托管代码的C#实现。 您可能必须使用非托管C / C ++导入。