在SSIS 2012中动态设置脚本任务代码


在SQL Server 2008的SSIS实现中,以下方法工作正常。

private void SetSourceCode(ScriptTask scriptTask, string code, string codeName) { string fileName = "ScriptMain.vb"; string language = "VisualBasic"; string proj = ".vbproj"; scriptTask.ScriptLanguage = VSTAScriptLanguages.GetDisplayName(language); scriptTask.ScriptingEngine.InitNewScript(language, scriptTask.ScriptProjectName, proj); scriptTask.ScriptingEngine.ShowDesigner(false); scriptTask.ScriptingEngine.AddCodeFile(fileName, code); if (!scriptTask.ScriptingEngine.Build()) throw new Exception("Failed to build vb script code: " + codeName); scriptTask.ScriptingEngine.SaveScriptToStorage(); if (!scriptTask.ScriptingEngine.CloseIDE(false)) { throw new Exception("Unable to close Scripting engine."); } } 

如何将此代码迁移到SQL Server 2012,因为从SQL Server 2012 dll-s(程序集)中删除了以下方法:

  • InitNewScript
  • AddProjectReference
  • AddCodeFile
  • SaveScriptToStorage
  • CloseIDE
  • 建立
  • ShowDesigner

通常,如何在SQL Server 2012中为脚本任务动态设置源代码?


最简单的方法是使用VstaHelper.LoadProjectFromFolder ()加载现有项目。

如果要动态添加脚本文件,请参阅下面的代码段。 您需要记住两件主要事项:

ScriptingEngine和VstaHelper类代表VSTA本身。 这是您创建项目和添加新文件的位置。 您无法在此处直接删除或替换现有文件。 当您调用SaveProjecToStorage()时,它就像关闭VSTA窗口一样……它将项目和编译后的二进制文件保存到ScriptTask中。

ScriptTask.ScriptStorage允许您直接操作源文件内容。 从这里,您可以修改文件的内容。


 static void Main(string[] args) { // 1. Create new package, and add a script task var pkg = new Package(); var exec = pkg.Executables.Add("STOCK:ScriptTask"); var th = (TaskHost)exec; th.Name = "Script Task"; th.Description = "This is a Script Task"; var task = (ScriptTask)th.InnerObject; // 2. Set the script language - "CSharp" or "VisualBasic" task.ScriptLanguage = VSTAScriptLanguages.GetDisplayName("CSharp"); // 3. Set any variables used by the script //task.ReadWriteVariables = "User::Var1, User::Var2"; // 4. Create a new project from the template located in the default path task.ScriptingEngine.VstaHelper.LoadNewProject(task.ProjectTemplatePath, null, "MyScriptProject"); // 5. Initialize the designer project, add a new code file, and build //task.ScriptingEngine.VstaHelper.Initalize("", true); //task.ScriptingEngine.VstaHelper.AddFileToProject("XX.cs", "FileContents"); //task.ScriptingEngine.VstaHelper.Build(""); // 6. Persist the VSTA project + binary to the task if (!task.ScriptingEngine.SaveProjectToStorage()) { throw new Exception("Save failed"); } // 7. Use the following code to replace the ScriptMain contents var contents = File.ReadAllText("path to file"); var scriptFile = task.ScriptStorage.ScriptFiles["ScriptMain.cs"] = new VSTAScriptProjectStorage.VSTAScriptFile(VSTAScriptProjectStorage.Encoding.UTF8, contents); // 8. Reload the script project, build and save task.ScriptingEngine.LoadProjectFromStorage(); task.ScriptingEngine.VstaHelper.Build(""); // 9. Persist the VSTA project + binary to the task if (!task.ScriptingEngine.SaveProjectToStorage()) { throw new Exception("Save failed"); } // 10. Cleanup task.ScriptingEngine.DisposeVstaHelper(); // 11. Save string xml; pkg.SaveToXML(out xml, null); File.WriteAllText(@"c:\temp\package.dtsx", xml); }