

例如:搜索字符串“将附加字符串添加到文本框”。 将“添加”替换为“插入”


如果使用string s =“Add Additional String to text box”.replace(“Add”,“Insert”);






 public static class StringExtensions { public static string SafeReplace(this string input, string find, string replace, bool matchWholeWord) { string textToFind = matchWholeWord ? string.Format(@"\b{0}\b", find) : find; return Regex.Replace(input, textToFind, replace); } } 


  string text = "Add Additional String to text box"; string result = text.SafeReplace("Add", "Insert", true); 


 string pattern = @"\bAdd\b"; string input = "Add Additional String to text box"; string result = Regex.Replace(input, pattern, "Insert", RegexOptions.None); 

“\ bAdd \ b”确保它匹配“Add”,这不是其他单词的一部分。 希望它有用。

使用string.Replace(string old, string replacement)方法。

  string input = "Add Additional String to text box"; string output = input.replace("Add ", "Insert "); output == "Insert Additional String to text box" // true 



 // add a leading and tail space string tmp = " " + "Add Additional String to text box"+ " "; // replace the word you want, while adding a lead and tail space, and then Trim tmp = tmp.Replace(" Add ", " Insert ").Trim(); 


 //Find and Replace A word in c# public static class Program { public static string Replace(this String str, char[] chars, string replacement) { StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(str.Length); bool replace = false; if (chars.Length - 1 < 1) { for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++) { char c = str[i]; replace = false; // int val = Regex.Matches(ch.ToString(), @"[a-zA-Z]").Count; for (int j = 0; j < chars.Length; j++) { if (chars[j] == c) { replace = true; break; } } if (replace) output.Append(replacement); else output.Append(c); } } else { int j = 0; int truecount = 0; char c1 = '\0'; for (int k = 0; k < str.Length; k++) { c1 = str[k]; if (chars[j] == c1) { replace = true; truecount ++; } else { truecount = 0; replace = false; j = 0; } if(truecount>0) { j++; } if (j > chars.Length-1) { j = 0; } if (truecount == chars.Length) { output.Remove(output.Length - chars.Length+1, chars.Length-1); // output.Remove(4, 2); if (replace) output.Append(replacement); else output.Append(c1); } else { output.Append(c1); } } } return output.ToString(); } static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Enter a word"); string word = (Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Enter a word to find"); string find = (Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Enter a word to Replace"); string Rep = (Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine(Replace(word, find.ToCharArray(), Rep)); Console.ReadLine(); } }