


Document Handling Select = 1 (2 is for flatbed, and 1 is for the feeder.) 


 Horizontal Resolution = 150 Vertical Resolution = 150 Horizontal Extent = 500 (I want to get it first to work, then I'll play with the extents.), Vertical Extent = 500 Bits Per Pixel = 8 Current Intent = 4 

如果我将“文档处理选择”设置为“2”,我可以顺利运行一切。 当我将它设置为“1”并运行它时,就在我说item.Transfer()(或item.Transfer(bmp / jpeg / pngGuid))之前我得到exception“值不在预期范围内”。

这太烦人了,有什么价值? 我用Google搜索了网页,我只能找到一些信息,但它没有多大帮助。

我认为你必须将设备属性“Pages”(ID 3096)从0设置为1以防止exception。 我花了一些时间才弄明白这一点。 最后,我通过比较调用CommonDialogClass.ShowSelectItems之前和之后的设备属性找到了这个属性。


  public enum DeviceDocumentHandling : int { Feeder = 1, FlatBed = 2 } const int DEVICE_PROPERTY_DOCUMENT_HANDLING_CAPABILITIES_ID = 3086; const int DEVICE_PROPERTY_DOCUMENT_HANDLING_STATUS_ID = 3087; const int DEVICE_PROPERTY_DOCUMENT_HANDLING_SELECT_ID = 3088; const int DEVICE_PROPERTY_PAGES_ID = 3096; public static Property FindProperty(WIA.Properties properties, int propertyId) { foreach (Property property in properties) if (property.PropertyID == propertyId) return property; return null; } public static void SetDeviceProperty(Device device, int propertyId, object value) { Property property = FindProperty(device.Properties, propertyId); if (property != null) property.set_Value(value); } public static object GetDeviceProperty(Device device, int propertyId) { Property property = FindProperty(device.Properties, propertyId); return property != null ? property.get_Value() : null; } public static void SelectDeviceDocumentHandling(Device device, DeviceDocumentHandling handling) { int requested = (int)handling; int supported = (int)GetDeviceProperty(device, DEVICE_PROPERTY_DOCUMENT_HANDLING_CAPABILITIES_ID); if ((requested & supported) != 0) { if ((requested & (int)DeviceDocumentHandling.Feeder) != 0) SetDeviceProperty(device, DEVICE_PROPERTY_PAGES_ID, 1); SetDeviceProperty(device, DEVICE_PROPERTY_DOCUMENT_HANDLING_SELECT_ID, requested); } }