

通常我想从Employee表中检索与List相关的所有数据。 类型MyEmployee包含EntitySourceID,我用它来映射EmployeeID。 所以,我想检索所有与List集合中的EntitySourceID匹配EmployeeID的Employe。


public class MyEmployee { public long PersonID { get; set; } public string ConnectionString { get; set; } public long EntitySourceID { get; set; } public int EntitySourceTypeID { get; set; } } 


 internal IEnumerable GetPersons(List myEmployees) { return (from p in _context.Employee join pList in myEmployees on p.EmployeeID equals pList.EntitySourceID select new Person { PersonID = pList.PersonID, FirstName = p.FirstName, LastName = p.LastName, Name = p.Name, Suffix = p.Suffix, Title = p.Title }).ToList(); } 

您可以在查询中看到,当我创建新的Person对象时,我使用List myEmployees集合中的pList.PersonID来填充Person。


我使用EF 6,数据库第一种方法。

另外,我没有提到。 此查询产生以下exception:无法创建“MyEmployee”类型的常量值。 在此上下文中仅支持原始类型或枚举类型。

IQueryable vs IEnumerable


  • IQueryableIEnumerable


  • “常规代理”,如Func和“表达式”,如Expression




  • 让我们调用RAM托管的MyEmployee实例集合列表
  • 让我们调用数据库表(最有可能称为“Employee(s)”)

遗憾的是,在撰写问题时,您没有指出一些非常重要的细节。 这导致我提出4个不同的答案。 答案将根据以下两个问题的真值进行分类:

  • 列表是巨大的吗?
  • 桌子很大吗?


  1. 不,不
  2. 不,是的
  3. 是的,不
  4. 是的是的




假设您需要根据作为ID的Precisely 1参数从数据库中获取一个 (或零)记录。 你应该加入吗?

答案是:绝对不是 。 看看这段代码:

 var query = from employee in _context.Employee where employee.EmployeeId == 23 select employee; var found = query.FirstOrDefault(); 

如果我想获取与Precisely 2参数相关的记录,该怎么办? 我可以用类似的方式实现这一点:

 var query = from employee in _context.Employee where employee.EmployeeId == 23 || employee.EmployeeId == 24 select employee; var results = query.ToArray(); if (results.Length == 0) // didn't find anyone of the presumably existing records else if (results.Length == 1) { if (results[0].EmployeeId == 23) // then we found the 23 else // the other one } else if (results.Length == 2) // found both, look inside to see which is which 

我故意以愚蠢的方式写出算法的最后润色( if部分)以避免额外的混淆。


 ... var results = ... got them (see above) var map = results.ToDictionary(keySelector: x => x.EmployeeId); var count = map.Count; // this gives you the number of results, same as results.Length var have23 = map.ContainsKey(23); // this tells you whether you managed to fetch a certain id var record23 = map[23]; // this actually gives you the record foreach (var key in map.Keys) { .. } // will iterate over the fetched ids foreach (var record in map.Values) { .. } // will iterate over the fetched values 

不要担心ToDictionary扩展方法。 它与EntityFramework无关(通过点击它查找)。

现在..回到我们的故事:如果你想带来与15个ID相关的记录怎么办? 停止。 这是怎么回事? 我是否要求您为每个可能的ID数量硬编码不同的查询?

当然不是。 只要id的数量“相对较小”(意味着你被某人允许,或者你自己用该请求量级轰炸数据库),你就可以很好地使用“列IN列表的params”SQL构造。

如何在SQL端指示LINQ to SQL或EF转换为“x IN y”操作而不是“x = y”操作?

通过使用相应类型的原始数组和Contains方法。 换句话说,得到一个负载:

 var query = from employee in _context.Employee where listOfIds.Contains( employee.EmployeeId ) select employee; var results = query.ToArray(); 

但是你需要一个“ID列表”而不是“MyEmployee实例列表”。 你可以很容易地把它拉下来:

 List originalList = new List(); // ... say you populate this somehow, or you've received it from elsewhere int[] listOfIds = (from employee in originalList select employee.EntityId).ToArray(); // .. and then carry on with the EF query 

请注意 ,对集合的查询显示为IEnumerable实例,而不是IQueryable实例,与EF或LINQ to SQL或任何其他DB或外部数据服务无关。



这个故事的关键是从一开始就获取整个表格。 在你的问题中你写道:

 return (from p in _context.Employee join pList in myEmployees on p.EmployeeID equals pList.EntitySourceID select new Person { PersonID = pList.PersonID, FirstName = p.FirstName ... etc 


 var entityList = _context.Employee.ToArray(); return (from p in entityList // PLEASE NOTE THIS CHANGE ALSO join pList in myEmployees on p.EmployeeID equals pList.EntitySourceID select ... 



  • 指示数据库执行工作,但在这种情况下,您无法在此过程中向它发送花哨的.NET实例
  • 在.NET上自己在楼上做这项工作




如果THE TABLETHE LIST都是巨大的,那么你就是**** d。 不 – 我只是在开玩笑。


如果是这种情况,那么您必须将问题简化为大量较小的问题。 我建议转换成一个表巨大的 + 列表而不是那么大的问题乘以N.


 List original = ... // you take your list // and you split it in sections of .. say 50 (which in my book is not huge for a database // although be careful - the pressure on the database will be almost that of 50 selects running in parallel for each select) // how do you split it? // you could try this public static IEnumerable> Split(List source, int sectionLength) { List buffer = new List(); foreach (var employee in source) { buffer.Add(employee); if (buffer.Count == sectionLength) { yield return buffer.ToList(); // MAKE SURE YOU .ToList() the buffer in order to clone it buffer.Clear(); // or otherwise all resulting sections will actually point to the same instance which gets cleared and refilled over and over again } } if (buffer.Count > 0) // and if you have a remainder you need that too yield return buffer; // except for the last time when you don't really need to clone it } List> sections = Split(original, 50).ToList(); // and now you can use the sections // as if you're in CASE 2 (the list is not huge but the table is) // inside a foreach loop List results = new List(); // prepare to accumulate results foreach (var section in sections) { int[] ids = (from x in section select x.EntityID).ToArray(); var query = from employee in _context.Employee where ids.Contains(employee.EmployeeId) ... etc; var currentBatch = query.ToArray(); results.AddRange(currentBatch); } 

现在你可以说这只是一种愚弄数据库的方式,相信它几乎没有什么工作要做,实际上我们仍然充斥着大量的工作, 也许让其他并发客户的生活变得艰难。

嗯,是的,但至少你可以减速。 您可以在各部分之间使用Thread.Sleep …您可以使用iterators (查找它们)并且实际上不会使RAM记录需要很长时间才能处理,而是“流式传输”。




  • 从myEmployees列表中提取ID;
  • 检索该ID的数据并放入var查询;
  • 加入mayEmployees和查询结果。


  long[] myEmployeesIDs = myEmployees.Select(p => p.EntitySourceID).ToArray(); var query = (from e in _context.Employees where myEmployeesIDs.Contains(e.EmployeID) select new Person { PersonID = e.EmployeeID }).ToList(); return (from m in myEmployees join q in query on m.EntitySourceID equals q.PersonID select new Person { PersonID = i.PersonID, ... }).ToList();