
我需要找到其他大序列的序列,例如, {1,3,2,3,4,3}{5,1,3,2,3}存在{1,3,2,3,4,3} {5,1,3,2,3} 。 有没有办法快速使用IEnumerable或其他东西?


 public static bool ContainsSubequence(this IEnumerable parent, IEnumerable target) { bool foundOneMatch = false; using (IEnumerator parentEnum = parent.GetEnumerator()) { using (IEnumerator targetEnum = target.GetEnumerator()) { // Get the first target instance; empty sequences are trivially contained if (!targetEnum.MoveNext()) return true; while (parentEnum.MoveNext()) { if (targetEnum.Current.Equals(parentEnum.Current)) { // Match, so move the target enum forward foundOneMatch = true; if (!targetEnum.MoveNext()) { // We went through the entire target, so we have a match return true; } } else if (foundOneMatch) { return false; } } return false; } } } 


 bool match = new[] {1, 2, 3}.ContainsSubsequence(new[] {1, 2}); // match == true match = new[] {1, 2, 3}.ContainsSubsequence(new[] {1, 3}); // match == false 


更新 :感谢大家的赞成,但上面的代码实际上有一个错误 ! 如果找到了部分匹配,但是没有变成完全匹配,则该过程结束 ,而不是重置(当应用于{1, 2, 1, 2, 3}.ContainsSubsequence({1, 2, 3})时,这显然是{1, 2, 1, 2, 3}.ContainsSubsequence({1, 2, 3}) )。

上面的代码非常适用于子序列的更常见定义(即不需要连续性),但是为了处理重置(大多数IEnumerators不支持),需要预先枚举目标序列。 这导致以下代码:

 public static bool ContainsSubequence(this IEnumerable parent, IEnumerable target) { bool foundOneMatch = false; var enumeratedTarget = target.ToList(); int enumPos = 0; using (IEnumerator parentEnum = parent.GetEnumerator()) { while (parentEnum.MoveNext()) { if (enumeratedTarget[enumPos].Equals(parentEnum.Current)) { // Match, so move the target enum forward foundOneMatch = true; if (enumPos == enumeratedTarget.Count - 1) { // We went through the entire target, so we have a match return true; } enumPos++; } else if (foundOneMatch) { foundOneMatch = false; enumPos = 0; if (enumeratedTarget[enumPos].Equals(parentEnum.Current)) { foundOneMatch = true; enumPos++; } } } return false; } } 


与@ dlev类似,但这也处理{1,1,1,2}.ContainsSubsequence({1,1,2})

 public static bool ContainsSubsequence(this IEnumerable parent, IEnumerable target) { var pattern = target.ToArray(); var source = new LinkedList(); foreach (var element in parent) { source.AddLast(element); if(source.Count == pattern.Length) { if(source.SequenceEqual(pattern)) return true; source.RemoveFirst(); } } return false; } 

你可以尝试这样的东西来帮助你入门。 将此列表转换为字符串后,您可以使用子字符串找到序列:

 if (String.Join(",", numericList.ConvertAll(x => x.ToString()).ToArray()) { //get sequence } 


 public static bool ContainsList(this List containingList, List containedList) { string strContaining = "," + string.Join(",", containingList) + ","; string strContained = "," + string.Join(",", containedList) + ","; return strContaining.Contains(strContained); } 


 if (bigList.ContainsList(smallList)) { ... } 


 var a1 = new List { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; var a2 = new List { 2, 3, 4 }; int index = -1; bool res = a2.All( x => index != -1 ? (++index == a1.IndexOf(x)) : ((index = a1.IndexOf(x)) != -1) ); 

此函数使用一些LINQ检查List parent是否包含List target

  public static bool ContainsSequence(this List parent, List target) { for (int fromElement = parent.IndexOf(target.First()); (fromElement != -1) && (fromElement <= parent.Count - target.Count); fromElement = parent.FindIndex(fromElement + 1, p => p.Equals(target.First()))) { var comparedSequence = parent.Skip(fromElement).Take(target.Count); if (comparedSequence.SequenceEqual(target)) return true; } return false; }