





 public static IEnumerator Tweeng( this float duration, System.Action vary, float aa, float zz ) { float sT = Time.time; float eT = sT + duration; while (Time.time < eT) { float t = (Time.time-sT)/duration; vary( Mathf.SmoothStep(aa,zz, t) ); // slight difference here yield return null; } vary(zz); } public static IEnumerator Tweeng( this float duration, System.Action vary, Vector3 aa, Vector3 zz ) { float sT = Time.time; float eT = sT + duration; while (Time.time < eT) { float t = (Time.time-sT)/duration; vary( Vector3.Lerp(aa,zz, t) ); // slight difference here yield return null; } vary(zz); } 



 // tweeng z to 20 degrees in .12 seconds StartCoroutine(.12f.Tweeng( (t)=>transform.Eulers(0f,0f,t), 0f,20f) ); // fade in alpha in .75 seconds StartCoroutine(.75f.Tweeng( (u)=>{ca=u;s.color=c;}, 0f,1f) ); 

(如果您是Unity的新手并且不熟悉扩展的基本概念,请参阅介绍 。)



 public static IEnumerator Tweeng( this float duration , System.Action varAction , T aa , T zz ) { Func transform = MakeTransform(); float sT = Time.time; float eT = sT + duration; while (Time.time < eT) { float t = (Time.time-sT)/duration; varAction(transform(aa, zz, t)); yield return null; } varAction(zz); } private static Func MakeTransform() { if (typeof(T) == typeof(float)) { Func f = Mathf.SmoothStep; return (Func)(Delegate)f; } if (typeof(T) == typeof(Vector3)) { Func f = Vector3.Lerp; return (Func)(Delegate)f; } throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected type "+typeof(T)); } 


 public static IEnumerator DasTweeng( this float duration, System.Action vary, T aa, T zz ) { float sT = Time.time; float eT = sT + duration; Func step; if (typeof(T) == typeof(float)) step = (Func)(Delegate)(Func)Mathf.SmoothStep; else if (typeof(T) == typeof(Vector3)) step = (Func)(Delegate)(Func)Vector3.Lerp; else throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected type "+typeof(T)); while (Time.time < eT) { float t = (Time.time-sT)/duration; vary( step(aa,zz, t) ); yield return null; } vary(zz); } 


  Delegate d; if (typeof(T) == typeof(float)) d = (Func)Mathf.SmoothStep; else if (typeof(T) == typeof(Vector3)) d = (Func)Vector3.Lerp; else throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected type "+typeof(T)); Func step = (Func)d; 


 public static IEnumerator Tweeng(this float duration, System.Action var, T aa, T zz, Func thing) { float sT = Time.time; float eT = sT + duration; while (Time.time < eT) { float t = (Time.time - sT) / duration; var(thing(aa, zz, t)); yield return null; } var(zz); } 


 float a = 5; float b = 0; float c = 0; a.Tweeng(q => {}, b, c, Mathf.SmoothStep); 


 float a = 0; Vector3 b = null; Vector3 c = null; a.Tweeng(q => {}, b, c, Vector3.Lerp); 


 public static IEnumerator Tweeng(this float duration, System.Action var, float aa, float zz) { return Tweeng(duration, var, aa, zz, Mathf.SmoothStep); } public static IEnumerator Tweeng(this float duration, System.Action var, Vector3 aa, Vector3 zz) { return Tweeng(duration, var, aa, zz, Vector3.Lerp); } private static IEnumerator Tweeng(this float duration, System.Action var, T aa, T zz, Func thing) { float sT = Time.time; float eT = sT + duration; while (Time.time < eT) { float t = (Time.time - sT) / duration; var(thing(aa, zz, t)); yield return null; } var(zz); } 


 float a = 5; float b = 0; float c = 0; a.Tweeng(q => {}, b, c); 


 float a = 0; Vector3 b = null; Vector3 c = null; a.Tweeng(q => {}, b, c); 


 public class Mathf { public static float SmoothStep(float aa, float zz, float t) => 0; } public class Time { public static float time => DateTime.Now.Ticks; } public class Vector3 { public static Vector3 Lerp(Vector3 aa, Vector3 zz, float t) => null; } 

我喜欢Tweeng的东西,但是如果Coroutine只能用于MonoBehaviours,为什么要扩展浮点数呢? 你应该为MonoBehaviour做扩展,例如我做了一个扩展来做插值:

 public static void _Interpolate(this MonoBehaviour monoBehaviour, float duration, Action callback, float from, float to, Interpolator interpolator) { monoBehaviour.StartCoroutine(ExecuteInterpolation(interpolator, duration, callback, from, to)); } 


 private static IEnumerator ExecuteInterpolation(Interpolator interpolator, float duration, Action callback, float from, float to) { float sT = Time.time; float eT = sT + duration; bool hasFinished = false; while (Time.time < eT) { float t = (Time.time - sT) / duration; // ----> my logic here with callback(to, false) yield return null; } hasFinished = true; callback(to, hasFinished); } 
