使用BinaryReader读取“little-endian UTF-16编码中的字符串”

我遵循以下文件格式的规范: https : //github.com/rouault/dump_gdbtable/wiki/FGDB-Spec

utf16: string in little-endian UTF-16 encoding 

我怎么读这个? 我尝试了BinaryReader.ReadString()但它返回的内容如下:

 "\0e\0y\0w\0o\0r\0d\0\0 \0\0\0\0\rP\0a\0r\0a\0m\0e\0t\0e\0r\0N\0a\0m\0e\0\0 \0\0\0\0\fC\0o\0n\0f\0i\0g\0S\0t\0r\0" 



 ubyte: number of UTF-16 characters (not bytes) of the name of the field utf16: name of the field ubyte: number of UTF-16 characters (not bytes) of the alias of the field. Might be 0 utf16: alias of the field (ommitted if previous field is 0) ubyte: field type ( 0 = int16, 1 = int32, 2 = float32, 3 = float64, 4 = string, 5 = datetime, 6 = objectid, 7 = geometry, 8 = binary, 9=raster, 10/11 = UUID, 12 = XML ) 



因此,您不能直接使用ReadString() ,但您可以

  1. 使用ReadByte()来获取字符串(字符)长度,
  2. 乘以2,
  3. 使用ReadBytes(count)
  4. 使用Encoding.Unicode.GetString(bytes)

它应该是 :

 BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(File.Open("C:\\florida.gdb\\a00000002.gdbtable", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read | FileShare.Delete), Encoding.Unicode); 


由于各种历史原因,Microsoft / Windows将UTF-16(具体而言,小端变体)称为“Unicode”而不是UTF-16。