

static class Fields { static readonly string FirstName = "FirstName"; static readonly string LastName = "LastName"; static readonly string Grade = "Grade"; static readonly string StudentID1 = "StudentID"; static readonly string StudentID2 = "SASINumber"; } public partial class SchoolSelect : Form { public SchoolSelect() { InitializeComponent(); //SNIP // populate fields //Fields myFields = new Fields(); // <-- Cant do this i = 0; foreach (string field in Fields) // ??? { fieldsBox.Items.Insert(i, Fields ??? } } 

我无法创建一个新的Fields实例,因为它是一个静态类。 如何在不手动插入每个字段的情况下将所有字段放入列表框?



  Type type = typeof(Fields); // MyClass is static class with static properties foreach (var p in type.GetFields( System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic)) { var v = p.GetValue(null); // static classes cannot be instanced, so use null... //do something with v Console.WriteLine(v.ToString()); }